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Temat: Fill the site! (Przeczytany 52337 razy) poprzedni temat - następny temat

0 Użytkownicy i 2 Goście przegląda ten temat.
Fill the site!
Q: O co kaman ?
A: Zaczęliśmy uzupełniać stronę - a dokładniej karty zaklęć o video jak zaliczyć takowe. Jest to dla was szansa na zdobycie specjalnego osiągnięcia - "Spell Caster", które zdobywa poziomy.

Q: Ile poziomów ma osiągnięcie ?
A: Dziewięć. Wartości powyżej poziomu piątek będą ogłoszone jak się zastanowię.
Spell Caster I - Akceptacja 1 zgłoszenia.
Spell Caster II - Akceptacja 10 zgłoszeń.
Spell Caster III - Akceptacja 50 zgłoszeń.
Spell Caster IV - Akceptacja 125 pięciu zgłoszeń.
Spell Caster V - Akceptacja 300 zgłoszeń.
Spell Caster VI - Akceptacja 750 zgłoszeń.
Spell Caster VII - TBA
Spell Caster VIII - TBA
Spell Caster Ultimate - TBA

Q: Gdzie muszę wykonać replay ?
Przyjmijmy zasadę, że jeśli gra posiada Trening Zaklęć - to replay winien pochodzić z tego trybu.
Gry posiadające trening zaklęć (lub działające na tej samej zasadzie):
Imperishable Night
Ten Desires
Double Dealing Character
Shoot the Bullet
Double Spoiler
Impossible Spell Card
Z gier innych niż wymienione nagrywamy replay z normalnego przejścia, lub z trybu Treningowego. Możliwe też jest (w szczególnych przypadkach) podesłanie replaya z gier wymienionych powyżej jeśli udało nam się złapać kartę w jakiś konkretny sposób i może być ciężko to powtórzyć.

Q: Mamo! Bo [user] wysłał już tą kartę, a ja umiem ją przejść inaczej!
A: Hehe. O to chodzi! Niektóre karty można przejść na różne sposoby - dlatego do każdej karty może być przypisane kilka plików, ale... Obowiązuje pewna zasada - jeden user nie może podesłać dwóch replayów do tej samej karty.

Q: Czyli co ? Mogę podesłać tylko jeden replay na kartę ?
A: Sieg Hail NO ((c) Epic Rap Battle of History)! Możesz podesłać więcej replayów do tej samej karty - wówczas wybierany jest ten najlepszy. Pierwszeństwo mają wyczynowe.

Q: To co ? Jak to w ogóle ma być ?
A: Przykład:
Kreton - metoda przejścia karty X.
h-collector - alternatywna metoda przejścia karty x
Red_Fedora - inna alternatywna metoda przejścia karty x
Losik - wyczynowa metoda przejścia karty x

Q: Ok, więc co mam podesłać ?
A: Plik replay. For Holy Madoka's Sake - max 5 replayów per post. Rly, za dużo na raz opóźni proces i spowoduje ogólne zniechęcenie. I nie popędzajcie. A i spakujcie to dla łatwiejszego pobrania.

Q: Ok, masz repek. Co dalej ?
A: Nic. Czekasz, aż pojawi się na stronie. Trwa to od jednego dnia do nieskończoności (kiddin').

Q: Co z tego mam ?
A: Prócz osiągnięcia - wszystkie dane pobrane z replaya - tj. Punkty, Graze, Karty Zaklęć - są dopisywane do twoich osiągnięć lifetime!
Przypominam iż w StB, DS, MoF i GFW Graze nie jest naliczany.

Q: Stop kiddin' faggot. Lista się nie aktualizuje!
A: Owszem. Aktualizuje się nowa - specjalnie do tego celu założona zakładka w osiągnięciach lifetime.

Q: Jak liczone są punkty do osiągnięć lifetime dla gier nie posiadających Treningu Zaklęć ?
A: Graze wyliczany jest z prostego równania: x - y gdzie x = ilość graze przed rozpoczęciem zaklęcia, y = ilość graze po jego zakończeniu. Wychodzi ujemna liczba, ale to nie ma znaczenia.
Punkty natomiast - brane są z bonusu za kartę. Możliwe jest też w przypadku PCB zdobycie od razu osiągnięć Double Scorer, Tripple Scorer i Quadra sKill.

Q: Mogę podesłać cokolwiek z zaklęć które już są złapane ?
A: Owszem, jeśli jest to alternatywna lub wyczynowa metoda przejścia.

Q: A, to mogę double pościć ?
A: Tripple, Quadra, Penta, Sexta itd też. Wszystkie zamknięte posty lądują w archiwum.

Q: Ok, wziąłeś mój replay. Skąd ludzie będą wiedzieć, że mam większego e-peniora (czyt. że mój replay został użyty) ?
A: Na video, w prawym górnym rogu wyświetlana jest nazwa użytkownika, który podesłał replay.

Q: Czy dziewczyny mają jakieś specjalne przywileje z racji podsyłania replayów ?
A: No, mają cycki, nie ? Nie wystarczy im ?

Standard 2hu vs Side 2hu ?
A: W normalnych grach - Tj. EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF, SA, UFO, TD, DDC, LoLK (i późniejsze) wyróżniamy 3 typy zaklęć - Zwykle (aka normalne przejście), Alternatywne (inna opcja normalnego) i wyczynowe.
W EoSD dodatkowo do każdego zaklęcia przypisane będą video zależnie od poziomu trudności.
W StB i DS - Tylko zwykłe przejście i alternatywne, ale w DS oddzielne video dla Ai i oddzielne dla Hatate.
W ISC tylko zwykle przejście i no-item clear.
Przypominam, że każdy user może podesłać wiele replayów do każdego zaklęcia, ale tylko 1 (słownie: Jeden) przejdzie. Pierwszeństwo mają wyczynowe.

Q: Wyczynowe przejście ? Czyli jakie ?
A: Każde, które nie jest zwyczajne. Wyczajenie safespota, nie ruszanie się, kręcenie się wokół bossa... The Only limit - is your imagination (and game rules).

Q: Jak wybierane są przejścia Wyczynowe ?
A: Prawdę mówiąc - zależy to od mojego widzi-mi-się. Ogółem zaliczane są do tego wszystkie safespoty, spinnery itp. No movementy od dnia 17.08.2016 traktowane są raczej jako zwykłe przejścia (z wyjątkami) gdyż zrobienie ich wymaga zaledwie szczęścia i odrobiny cierpliwości.

Q: Zdefiniuj alternatywne ?
A: No rany. Przejście inne niż przedstawione na aktualnie wgranym replayu. Polecam zobaczyć Kartę 92 w Ten Desires.

Q: Dzie mam wgrać replay ?
A: Możesz nawet na księżyc jak umiesz. A na poważnie - preferowane strony to mediafire, mega lub googledrive.

Q: Jak wygląda sprawa po Recuount'cie (16.08.2016) ?
Każda karta to 1. Jeśli któraś z kart w bazie ma normalne przejście, wyczynowe i alternatywne doliczane są do licznika graczy, ale nie gry. Jeśli karta nie posiada normalnego przejścia, ale ma wyczynowe, jest ono liczone do licznika gry (Normalne potem do licznika gry nie jest dopisywane, ale jeśli brakuje normalnych gra nie posiada oznaczenia ukończenia).

Q: Mam inne pytanie. What do ?
A: Pisz. Post zostanie niezwłocznie usunięty, a pytanie i odpowiedź dodane do tego posta.
  • Ostatnia zmiana: Wrzesień 03, 2016, 14:03:58 przez Kreton

Odp: Fill the site!
Odpowiedź #1

Ilość kart zaklęć: 501/1778

Hall of Fail:

Kreton: 189
Raion: 171
Misty: 68
Szkarłatny Moose: 30
Oni-BladeX: 28
Archi: 18
Red Fedora: 11
Losik: 1
  • Ostatnia zmiana: Wrzesień 11, 2016, 22:29:29 przez Kreton

Odp: Fill the site!
Odpowiedź #2
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil: 16/133

Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
001 - Hard/Lunatic - Moon Sign "Moonlight Ray"
002 - Easy*/Normal/Hard/Lunatic - Night Sign "Night Bird"
003 - Easy/Normal/Hard/Lunatic - Darkness Sign "Demarcation"
004 - Easy/Normal - Ice Sign "Icicle Fall"
005 - Hard/Lunatic - Hail Sign "Hailstorm"
006 - Easy/Normal/Hard/Lunatic - Freeze Sign "Perfect Freeze"
007 - Normal/Hard/Lunatic - Snow Sign "Diamond Blizzard"
008 - Easy/Normal - Flower Sign "Gorgeous Sweet Flower"
009 - Hard/Lunatic - Flower Sign "Selaginella 9"
010 - Easy/Normal/Hard/Lunatic - Rainbow Sign "Wind Chime of Colorful Rainbow"
011 - Hard/Lunatic - Illusion Sign "Flower Imaginary Dream Vine"
012 - Easy/Normal - Colorful Sign "Colorful Rain"
013 - Hard/Lunatic - Colorful Sign "Colorful Light Chaotic Dance"
014 - Normal/Hard/Lunatic - Colorful Sign "Extreme Color Typhoon"
015 - Easy/Normal (Reimu-A) - Fire Sign "Agni Shine"
016 - Easy/Normal (Reimu-B) - Water Sign "Princess Undine"
017 - Easy/Normal (Marisa-A) - Wood Sign "Sylphae Horn"
018 - Easy/Normal (Marisa-B) - Earth Sign "Rage Trilithon"
019 - Normal (Marisa-B) - Metal Sign "Metal Fatigue"
020 - Normal (Marisa-A), Hard/Lunatic(Reimu-A) - Fire Sign "Agni Shine High Level"
021 - Normal (Reimu-B), Hard/Lunatic (Marisa-A) - Wood Sign "Sylphae Horn High Level"
022 - Normal (Reimu-A), Hard/Lunatic (Marisa-B) - Earth Sign "Rage Trilithon High Level"
023 - Hard/Lunatic (Marisa-A) - Fire Sign "Agni Radiance"
024 - Hard/Lunatic (Reimu-B) - Water Sign "Bury In Lake"
025 - Hard/Lunatic (Reimu-B) - Wood Sign "Green Storm"
026 - Hard/Lunatic (Reimu-A) - Earth Sign "Trilithon Shake"
027 - Hard/Lunatic (Marisa-B) - Metal Sign "Silver Dragon"
028 - Easy/Normal/Hard/Lunatic (Reimu-A), Hard/Lunatic (Marisa-A) - Fire & Earth Sign "Lava Cromlech"
029 - Easy/Normal/Hard/Lunatic (Marisa-A), Hard/Lunatic (Reimu-A) - Wood & Fire Sign "Forest Blaze"
030 - Easy/Normal/Hard/Lunatic (Reimu-B), Normal/Hard/Lunatic (Marisa-B) - Water & Wood Sign "Water Elf"
031 - Normal/Hard/Lunatic (Reimu-A, Reimu-B), Hard/Lunatic (Marisa-B) - Metal & Water Sign "Mercury Poison"
032 - Easy/Normal/Hard/Lunatic (Marisa-B), Normal/Hard/Lunatic (Marisa-A), Hard/Lunatic (Reimu-B) - Earth & Metal Sign "Emerald Megalith"
033 - Easy/Normal - Strange Art "Misdirection"
034 - Hard/Lunatic - Strange Art "Illusional Misdirection"
035 - Easy/Normal - Illusion Existence "Clock Corpse"
036 - Easy/Normal - Illusion Image "Lunar Clock"
037 - Easy/Normal - Maid Secret Skill "Marionette"
038 - Hard/Lunatic - Illusion Ghost "Jack the Ludo Bile"
039 - Hard/Lunatic - Illusion World "The World"
040 - Hard/Lunatic - Maid Secret Skill "Killing Doll"
041 - Normal/Hard/Lunatic - Conjuring "Eternal Meek"
042 - Normal - Heaven's Punishment "Star of David"
043 - Normal - Dark Sign "Scarlet Netherworld"
044 - Normal - Curse "Curse of Vlad Tepes"
045 - Normal - Scarlet Sign "Scarlet Shoot"
046 - Normal - "Red Magic"
047 - Hard/Lunatic - Divine Punishment "Young Demon Lord"
048 - Hard/Lunatic - Hell Sign "Mountain of a Thousand Needles"
049 - Hard/Lunatic - God Art "Vampire Illusion"
050 - Hard/Lunatic - Scarlet Sign "Scarlet Meister"
051 - Hard/Lunatic - "Scarlet Gensokyo"
052 - Extra - Moon Sign "Silent Selene"
053 - Extra - Sun Sign "Royal Flare"
054 - Extra - Fire Water Wood Metal Earth Sign "Philosopher's Stone"
055 - Extra - Taboo "Cranberry Trap"
056 - Extra - Taboo "Lävatein"
057 - Extra - Taboo "Four of a Kind"
058 - Extra - Taboo "Kagome, Kagome"
059 - Extra - Taboo "Maze of Love"
060 - Extra - Forbidden Barrage "Starbow Break"
061 - Extra - Forbidden Barrage "Catadioptric"
062 - Extra - Forbidden Barrage "Counter Clock"
063 - Extra - Secret Barrage "And Then Will There Be None?"
064 - Extra - Q.E.D. "Ripples of 495 Years"
  • Ostatnia zmiana: Sierpień 16, 2016, 19:27:12 przez Kreton

Odp: Fill the site!
Odpowiedź #3
Perfect Cherry Blossom: 18/141

Perfect Cherry Blossom
001 - Hard - Frost Sign "Frost Columns"
002 - Lunatic - Frost Sign "Frost Columns -Lunatic-"
003 - Easy - Cold Sign "Lingering Cold -Easy-"
004 - Normal - Cold Sign "Lingering Cold"
005 - Hard - Cold Sign "Lingering Cold -Hard-"
006 - Lunatic - Cold Sign "Lingering Cold -Lunatic-"
007 - Easy - Winter Sign "Flower Wither Away -Easy-"
008 - Normal - Winter Sign "Flower Wither Away"
009 - Hard - White Sign "Undulation Ray"
010 - Lunatic - Mystic Sign "Table-Turning"
011 - Easy - Wizard Sign "Phoenix Egg -Easy-"
012 - Normal - Wizard Sign "Phoenix Egg"
013 - Hard - Wizard Sign "Phoenix Spread Wings"
014 - Lunatic - Wizard Sign "Phoenix Spread Wings -Lunatic-"
015 - Easy - Shikigami Sign "Pentagram Flight -Easy-"
016 - Normal - Shikigami Sign "Pentagram Flight"
017 - Hard - Yin Yang "Douman-Seiman"
018 - Lunatic - Yin Yang "Large Pentagram Crest"
019 - Easy - Heaven Sign "Immortal Sage's Rumbling -Easy-"
020 - Normal - Heaven Sign "Immortal Sage's Rumbling"
021 - Hard - Flight Sign "Flight of Idaten"
022 - Lunatic - Child Sign "Dharmapala's Rampage"
023 - Easy - Wizard Sign "Incarnate Immortal Sage -Easy-"
024 - Normal - Wizard Sign "Incarnate Immortal Sage"
025 - Hard - Oni Sign "Konjin of the Demon's Gate"
026 - Lunatic - Direction Sign "Kimontonkou"
027 - Hard - Puppeteer Sign "Maiden's Bunraku"
028 - Lunatic - Puppeteer Sign "Maiden's Bunraku -Lunatic-"
029 - Easy - Blue Sign "Benevolent French Dolls -Easy-"
030 - Normal - Blue Sign "Benevolent French Dolls"
031 - Hard - Blue Sign "Benevolent French Dolls -Hard-"
032 - Lunatic - Blue Sign "Benevolent Orléans Dolls"
033 - Easy - Scarlet Sign "Red-Haired Dutch Dolls -Easy-"
034 - Normal - Scarlet Sign "Red-Haired Dutch Dolls"
035 - Hard - White Sign "Chalk-White Russian Dolls"
036 - Lunatic - White Sign "Chalk-White Russian Dolls -Lunatic-"
037 - Easy - Darkness Sign "Foggy London Dolls -Easy-"
038 - Normal - Darkness Sign "Foggy London Dolls"
039 - Hard - Cycle Sign "Samsara Tibetan Dolls"
040 - Lunatic - Elegant Sign "Spring Kyoto Dolls"
041 - Easy - Curse "Eerily Luminous Shanghai Dolls -Easy-"
042 - Normal - Curse "Eerily Luminous Shanghai Dolls"
043 - Hard - Curse "Eerily Luminous Shanghai Dolls -Hard-"
044 - Lunatic - Curse "Hanged Hourai Dolls"
045 - Easy - Noisy Sign "Phantom Dinning -Easy-"
046 - Normal - Noisy Sign "Phantom Dinning"
047 - Hard - Noisy Sign "Live Poltergeist"
048 - Lunatic - Noisy Sign "Live Poltergeist -Lunatic-"
049 - Easy - String Performance "Guarneri del Gesù -Easy-"
050 - Normal - String Performance "Guarneri del Gesù"
051 - Hard - Spirit Strings "Stradivarius"
052 - Lunatic - Fake Strings "Pseudo Stradivarius"
053 - Easy - Trumpet Ghost "Hino Phantasm -Easy-"
054 - Normal - Trumpet Ghost "Hino Phantasm"
055 - Hard - Dark Trumpet "Ghost Clifford"
056 - Lunatic - Trumpet Ghost "Ghost Clifford -Lunatic-"
057 - Easy - Dark Keys "Fazioli Dark Performance -Easy-"
058 - Normal - Dark Keys "Fazioli Dark Performance"
059 - Hard - Key Ghost "Bösendorfer Spirit Performance"
060 - Lunatic - Key Ghost "Bösendorfer Spirit Performance -Lunatic-"
061 - Easy - Funeral Concert "Prism Concerto -Easy-"
062 - Normal - Funeral Concert "Prism Concerto"
063 - Hard - Noisy Funeral "Stygian Riverside"
064 - Lunatic - Noisy Funeral "Stygian Riverside -Lunatic-"
065 - Easy - Great Funeral Concert "Ghostly Wheel Concerto Grosso -Easy-"
066 - Normal - Great Funeral Concert "Ghostly Wheel Concerto Grosso"
067 - Hard - Great Funeral Concert "Ghostly Wheel Revised Concerto Grosso"
068 - Lunatic - Great Funeral Concert "Ghostly Wheel Wonderous Concerto Grosso"
069 - Easy - Ghost Sword "Fasting of the Young Preta -Easy-"
070 - Normal - Ghost Sword "Fasting of the Young Preta"
071 - Hard - Preta Sword "Storybook of the Preta Realm"
072 - Lunatic - Hungry King Sword "Ten Kings' Retribution on the Preta"
073 - Easy - Hell Realm Sword "200 Yojana in 1 Slash -Easy-"
074 - Normal - Hell Realm Sword "200 Yojana in 1 Slash"
075 - Hard - Hell Flame Sword "Flashing Slash Formation as Karma Gust"
076 - Lunatic - Hell God Sword "God's Flashing Slash as Karma Gust"
077 - Easy - Animal Realm Sword "Karmic Punishment of the Idle and Unfocused -Easy-"
078 - Normal - Animal Realm Sword "Karmic Punishment of the Idle and Unfocused"
079 - Hard - Asura Sword "Obsession with the Present World"
080 - Lunatic - Asura Sword "Obsession with the Present World -Lunatic-"
081 - Easy - Human Realm Sword "Delusion of Enlightenment -Easy-"
082 - Normal - Human Realm Sword "Delusion of Enlightenment"
083 - Hard - Human Era Sword "Approaching Disillusion"
084 - Lunatic - Human God Sword "Attainment of Eternal Truth"
085 - Easy - Heaven's Sword "Five Signs of the Dying Deva -Easy-"
086 - Normal - Heaven's Sword "Five Signs of the Dying Deva"
087 - Hard - Deva Realm Sword "Displeasure of the Seven Sins"
088 - Lunatic - Deva God Sword "Components of Konpaku"
089 - Easy - Six Realms Sword "Ageless Obsession -Easy-"
090 - Normal - Six Realms Sword "Ageless Obsession"
091 - Hard - Six Realms Sword "Ageless Obsession -Hard-"
092 - Lunatic - Six Realms Sword "Ageless Obsession -Lunatic-"
093 - Easy - Losing Hometown "Lost Soul's Village -Wandering Soul-"
094 - Normal - Losing Hometown "Lost Soul's Village -Fatal Sin-"
095 - Hard - Losing Hometown "Lost Soul's Village -Trackless Path-"
096 - Lunatic - Losing Hometown "Lost Soul's Village -Suicide-"
097 - Easy - Deadly Dance "Law of Mortality -Illusion-"
098 - Normal - Deadly Dance "Law of Mortality -Dead Butterfly-"
099 - Hard - Deadly Dance "Law of Mortality -Poisonous Moth-"
100 - Lunatic - Deadly Dance "Law of Mortality -Demon World-"
101 - Easy - Flowery Soul "Ghost Butterfly"
102 - Normal - Flowery Soul "Swallowtail Butterfly"
103 - Hard - Flowery Soul "Deep-Rooted Butterfly"
104 - Lunatic - Flowery Soul "Butterfly Delusion"
105 - Easy - Subtle Melody "Repository of Hirokawa -False Soul-"
106 - Normal - Subtle Melody "Repository of Hirokawa -Ghost-"
107 - Hard - Subtle Melody "Repository of Hirokawa -Phantom-"
108 - Lunatic - Subtle Melody "Repository of Hirokawa -Divine Soul-"
109 - Easy - Cherry Blossom Sign "The Perfect Ink-black Cherry Blossom -Seal-"
110 - Normal - Cherry Blossom Sign "The Perfect Ink-black Cherry Blossom -Getting Lost-"
111 - Hard - Cherry Blossom Sign "The Perfect Ink-black Cherry Blossom -Deep Sleep-"
112 - Lunatic - Cherry Blossom Sign "The Perfect Ink-black Cherry Blossom -Bloom-"
113 - Easy - "Resurrection Butterfly -10% Reflowering-"
114 - Normal - "Resurrection Butterfly -30% Reflowering-"
115 - Hard - "Resurrection Butterfly -50% Reflowering-"
116 - Lunatic - "Resurrection Butterfly -80% Reflowering-"
117 - Extra - Oni Sign "Blue Oni Red Oni"
118 - Extra - Fierce God "Flying Bishamonten"
119 - Extra - Shikigami "Wizard Fox Thoughts"
120 - Extra - Shikigami "Banquet of 12 General Gods"
121 - Extra - Shikigami's Radiance "Fox-Tanuki Youkai Laser"
122 - Extra - Shikigami's Radiance "Charming Siege from All Sides"
123 - Extra - Shikigami's Radiance "Princess Tenko -Illusion-"
124 - Extra - Shikigami's Shot "Ultimate Buddhist"
125 - Extra - Shikigami's Shot "Unilateral Contact"
126 - Extra - Shikigami "Chen"
127 - Extra - "Kokkuri-san's Contract"
128 - Extra - Illusion God "Descent of Izuna Gongen"
129 - Phantasm - Shikigami "Protection of Zenki and Goki"
130 - Phantasm - Shikigami "Dakini's Heavenly Possession"
131 - Phantasm - Barrier "Curse of Dreams and Reality"
132 - Phantasm - Barrier "Balance of Motion and Stillness"
133 - Phantasm - Barrier "Mesh of Light and Darkness"
134 - Phantasm - Evil Spirits "Xanadu of Straight and Curve"
135 - Phantasm - Evil Spirits "Yukari Yakumo's Spiriting Away"
136 - Phantasm - Evil Spirits "Bewitching Butterfly Living in the Zen Temple"
137 - Phantasm - Sinister Spirits "Double Black Death Butterfly"
138 - Phantasm - Shikigami "Ran Yakumo"
139 - Phantasm - "Boundary of Humans and Youkai"
140 - Phantasm - Barrier "Boundary of Life and Death"
141 - Phantasm - Yukari's Arcanum "Danmaku Barrier"
  • Ostatnia zmiana: Wrzesień 12, 2015, 00:49:31 przez Kreton

Odp: Fill the site!
Odpowiedź #4
Imperishable Night: 174/222

Imperishable Night
001 - Hard - Firefly Sign "Meteor on Earth"
002 - Lunatic - Firefly Sign "Comet on Earth"
003 - Easy - Lamp Sign "Firefly Phenomenon"
004 - Normal - Lamp Sign "Firefly Phenomenon"
005 - Hard - Lamp Sign "Firefly Phenomenon"
006 - Lunatic - Lamp Sign "Firefly Phenomenon"
007 - Easy - Wriggle Sign "Little Bug"
// Wyczynowy
008 - Normal - Wriggle Sign "Little Bug Storm"
009 - Hard - Wriggle Sign "Night Bug Storm"
010 - Lunatic - Wriggle Sign "Nightbug Tornado"
011 - Normal (Last Spell) - Hidden Bug "Hermit of an Endless Night"
012 - Hard (Last Spell) - Hidden Bug "Hermit of an Endless Night"
013 - Lunatic (Last Spell) - Hidden Bug "Hermit of an Endless Night"
014 - Easy - Vocal Sign "Hooting in the Night"
015 - Normal - Vocal Sign "Hooting in the Night"
016 - Hard - Vocal Sign "Howl of the Horned Owl"
017 - Lunatic - Vocal Sign "Howl of the Horned Owl"
018 - Easy - Moth Sign "Sphingid's Wingbeats"
019 - Normal - Moth Sign "Sphingid's Wingbeats"
020 - Hard - Toxin Sign "Poisonous Moth's Scales"
021 - Lunatic - Deadly Toxin "Poisonous Moth's Dance in the Dark"
022 - Easy - Hawk Sign "Ill-Starred Dive"
023 - Normal - Hawk Sign "Ill-Starred Dive"
024 - Hard - Hawk Sign "Ill-Starred Dive"
025 - Lunatic - Hawk Sign "Ill-Starred Dive"
026 - Easy - Night-Blindness "Song of the Night Sparrow"
027 - Normal - Night-Blindness "Song of the Night Sparrow"
028 - Hard - Night-Blindness "Song of the Night Sparrow"
029 - Lunatic - Night-Blindness "Song of the Night Sparrow"
030 - Normal (Last Spell) - Night Sparrow "Midnight Chorus Master"
031 - Hard (Last Spell) - Night Sparrow "Midnight Chorus Master"
032 - Lunatic (Last Spell) - Night Sparrow "Midnight Chorus Master"
033 - Easy - Spiritual Birth "First Pyramid"
034 - Normal - Spiritual Birth "First Pyramid"
035 - Hard - Spiritual Birth "First Pyramid"
036 - Lunatic - Spiritual Birth "First Pyramid"
037 - Nomral - Origin Sign "Ephemerality 137"
038 - Hard - Origin Sign "Ephemerality 137"
039 - Lunatic - Origin Sign "Ephemerality 137"
040 - Easy - Ambition Sign "Buretsu Crisis"
041 - Normal - Ambition Sign "Masakado Crisis"
042 - Hard - Ambition Sign "Yoshimitsu Crisis"
043 - Lunatic - Ambition Sign "General Headquarters Crisis"
044 - Easy - Land Sign "Three Sacred Treasures - Sword"
045 - Normal - Land Sign "Three Sacred Treasures - Orb"
046 - Hard - Land Sign "Three Sacred Treasures - Mirror"
047 - Lunatic - Land Scheme "Three Sacred Treasures - Country"
048 - Easy - Ending Sign "Phantasmal Emperor"
049 - Normal - Ending Sign "Phantasmal Emperor"
050 - Hard - Pseudo-History "The Legend of Gensokyo"
051 - Lunatic - Pseudo-History "The Legend of Gensokyo"
052 - Normal (Last Spell) - Przyszłość "Świat Bogów"
053 - Hard (Last Spell) - Przyszłość "Świat Bogów"
054 - Lunatic (Last Spell) - Przyszłość "Świat Bogów"
055 - Easy - Dream Sign "Duplex Barrier"
// Wyczynowy
056 - Normal - Dream Sign "Duplex Barrier"
057 - Hard - Dream Land "Super Duplex Barrier"
058 - Lunatic - Dream Land "Super Duplex Barrier"
059 - Easy - Spirit Sign "Fantasy Seal -Spread-"
060 - Normal - Spirit Sign "Fantasy Seal -Spread-"
061 - Hard - Scattered Spirit "Fantasy Seal -Fader-"
062 - Lunatic - Scattered Spirit "Fantasy Seal -Fader-"
063 - Easy - Dream Sign "Evil Sealing Circle"
064 - Normal - Dream Sign "Evil Sealing Circle"
065 - Hard - Divine Arts "Omnidirectional Demon Binding Circle"
066 - Lunatic - Divine Arts "Omnidirectional Dragon Slaying Circle"
067 - Easy - Spirit Sign "Fantasy Seal -Concentrate-"
068 - Normal - Spirit Sign "Fantasy Seal -Concentrate-"
069 - Hard - Migrating Spirit "Fantasy Seal -Dark-"
070 - Lunatic - Migrating Spirit "Fantasy Seal -Dark-"
071 - Easy - Boundary "Duplex Danmaku Barrier"
072 - Normal - Boundary "Duplex Danmaku Barrier"
073 - Hard - Great Barrier "Hakurei Danmaku Barrier"
074 - Lunatic - Great Barrier "Hakurei Danmaku Barrier"
075 - Normal (Last Spell) - Divine Spirit "Fantasy Seal -Blink-"
076 - Hard (Last Spell) - Divine Spirit "Fantasy Seal -Blink-"
077 - Lunatic (Last Spell) - Divine Spirit "Fantasy Seal -Blink-"
078 - Easy - Magic Sign "Milky Way"
079 - Normal - Magic Sign "Milky Way"
080 - Hard - Magic Space "Asteroid Belt"

081 - Lunatic - Magic Space "Asteroid Belt" // Wyczynowy
082 - Easy - Magic Sign "Stardust Reverie"
083 - Normal - Magic Sign "Stardust Reverie"
084 - Hard - Black Magic "Event Horizon"
085 - Lunatic - Black Magic "Event Horizon"

086 - Easy - Love Sign "Non-Directional Laser"
087 - Normal - Love Sign "Non-Directional Laser"
088 - Hard - Love Storm "Starlight Typhoon" // Alternatywny
089 - Lunatic - Love Storm "Starlight Typhoon"

090 - Easy - Love Sign "Master Spark"
091 - Normal - Love Sign "Master Spark"
092 - Hard - Loving Heart "Double Spark"
093 - Lunatic - Loving Heart "Double Spark"

094 - Easy - Light Sign "Earthlight Ray"
095 - Normal - Light Sign "Earthlight Ray"
096 - Hard - Light Blast "Shoot the Moon"
097 - Lunatic - Light Blast "Shoot the Moon"

098 - Normal (Last Spell) - Magicannon "Final Spark"
099 - Hard (Last Spell) - Magicannon "Final Spark"
100 - Lunatic (Last Spell) - Magicannon "Final Master Spark"
101 - Easy - Wave Sign "Red-Eyed Hypnosis (Mind Shaker)"
102 - Normal - Wave Sign "Red-Eyed Hypnosis (Mind Shaker)"
103 - Hard - Visionary Wave "Red-Eyed Hypnosis (Mind Blowing)"
104 - Lunatic - Visionary Wave "Red-Eyed Hypnosis (Mind Blowing)"
105 - Easy - Lunatic Sign "Hallucinogenic Tuning (Visionary Tuning)"
106 - Normal - Lunatic Sign "Hallucinogenic Tuning (Visionary Tuning)"
107 - Hard - Lunatic Gaze "Lunatic Stare Tuning (Illusion Seeker)"
108 - Lunatic - Lunatic Gaze "Lunatic Stare Tuning (Illusion Seeker)"
109 - Easy - Loafing Sign "Life and Spirit Stopping (Idling Wave)"
110 - Normal - Loafing Sign "Life and Spirit Stopping (Idling Wave)"
111 - Hard - Indolence "Life and Spirit Stopping (Mind Stopper)"
112 - Lunatic - Indolence "Life and Spirit Stopping (Mind Stopper)"
113 - Easy - Spread Sign "Moon of Truth (Invisible Full Moon)"
114 - Normal - Spread Sign "Moon of Truth (Invisible Full Moon)"
115 - Hard - Spread Sign "Moon of Truth (Invisible Full Moon)"
116 - Lunatic - Spread Sign "Moon of Truth (Invisible Full Moon)"
117 - Normal (Last Spell) - Lunar Eyes "Lunar Rabbit's Remote Mesmerism (Tele-Mesmerism)"

118 - Hard (Last Spell) - Lunar Eyes "Lunar Rabbit's Remote Mesmerism (Tele-Mesmerism)"
119 - Lunatic (Last Spell) - Lunar Eyes "Lunar Rabbit's Remote Mesmerism (Tele-Mesmerism)"
120 - Easy - Spacesphere "Earth in a Pot"

121 - Normal - Spacesphere "Earth in a Pot"
122 - Hard - Spacesphere "Earth in a Pot"
123 - Lunatic - Spacesphere "Earth in a Pot"
124 - Easy - Awakened God "Memories of the Age of the Gods"
125 - Normal - Awakened God "Memories of the Age of the Gods"

126 - Hard - God Sign "Genealogy of the Sky-Born"
127 - Lunatic - God Sign "Genealogy of the Sky-Born"
128 - Easy - Revival "Game of Life"
129 - Normal - Revival "Game of Life"

130 - Hard - Resurrection "Game of Rising"
131 - Lunatic - Resurrection "Game of Rising"
132 - Easy - Leading God "Omoikane's Device"

133 - Normal - Leading God "Omoikane's Device"
134 - Hard - Mind of God "Omoikane's Brain"
135 - Lunatic - Mind of God "Omoikane's Brain"
136 - Easy - Curse of the Heavens "Apollo 13"
137 - Normal - Curse of the Heavens "Apollo 13"

138 - Hard - Curse of the Heavens "Apollo 13"
139 - Lunatic - Curse of the Heavens "Apollo 13"
140 - Easy - Esoterica "Astronomical Entombing"
141 - Normal - Esoterica "Astronomical Entombing"

142 - Hard - Esoterica "Astronomical Entombing"
143 - Lunatic - Esoterica "Astronomical Entombing"
144 - Easy (Last Spell) - Forbidden Arcanum "Hourai Elixir"

145 - Normal (Last Spell) - Forbidden Arcanum "Hourai Elixir"
146 - Hard (Last Spell) - Forbidden Arcanum "Hourai Elixir"
147 - Lunatic (Last Spell) - Forbidden Arcanum "Hourai Elixir"
148 - Easy - Medicine Sign "Galaxy in a Pot"
149 - Normal - Medicine Sign "Galaxy in a Pot"

150 - Hard - Medicine Sign "Galaxy in a Pot"
151 - Lunatic - Medicine Sign "Galaxy in a Pot"
152 - Easy - Impossible Request "Jewel from the Dragon's Neck -Five-Colored Shots-"
153 - Normal - Impossible Request "Jewel from the Dragon's Neck -Five-Colored Shots-"

154 - Hard - Divine Treasure "Brilliant Dragon Bullet"
155 - Lunatic - Divine Treasure "Brilliant Dragon Bullet"
156 - Easy - Impossible Request "Buddha's Stone Bowl -Indomitable Will-"
157 - Normal - Impossible Request "Buddha's Stone Bowl -Indomitable Will-"

158 - Hard - Divine Treasure "Buddhist Diamond"
159 - Lunatic - Divine Treasure "Buddhist Diamond"
160 - Easy - Impossible Request "Robe of Fire Rat -Patient Mind-"
161 - Normal - Impossible Request "Robe of Fire Rat -Patient Mind-"

162 - Hard - Divine Treasure "Salamander Shield"
163 - Lunatic - Divine Treasure "Salamander Shield"
164 - Easy - Impossible Request "Swallow's Cowrie Shell -Everlasting Life-"
165 - Normal - Impossible Request "Swallow's Cowrie Shell -Everlasting Life-"

166 - Hard - Divine Treasure "Life Spring Infinity"
167 - Lunatic - Divine Treasure "Life Spring Infinity"
168 - Easy - Impossible Request "Bullet Branch of Hourai -Rainbow Danmaku-"
169 - Normal - Impossible Request "Bullet Branch of Hourai -Rainbow Danmaku-"

170 - Hard - Divine Treasure "Jeweled Branch of Hourai -Dreamlike Paradise-"
171 - Lunatic - Divine Treasure "Jeweled Branch of Hourai -Dreamlike Paradise-"
172 - Easy (Last Spell) - "End of Imperishable Night -New Moon-"
173 - Normal (Last Spell) - "End of Imperishable Night -Crescent Moon-"

174 - Hard (Last Spell) - "End of Imperishable Night -1st Quarter's Moon-"
175 - Lunatic (Last Spell) - "End of Imperishable Night -Paschal Moon-"
176 - Easy (Last Spell) - "End of Imperishable Night -11 o' Clock-"
177 - Normal (Last Spell) - "End of Imperishable Night -Half to Midnight-"

178 - Hard (Last Spell) - "End of Imperishable Night -Midnight-"
179 - Lunatic (Last Spell) - "End of Imperishable Night -Half Past Midnight-"
180 - Easy (Last Spell) - "End of Imperishable Night -1 o' Clock-"

181 - Normal (Last Spell) - "End of Imperishable Night -Half Past 1-"
182 - Hard (Last Spell) - "End of Imperishable Night -Dead of Night-"
183 - Lunatic (Last Spell) - "End of Imperishable Night -Half Past 2-"
184 - Easy (Last Spell) - "End of Imperishable Night -3 o' Clock-"
185 - Normal (Last Spell) - "End of Imperishable Night -Half Past 3-"

186 - Hard (Last Spell) - "End of Imperishable Night "4 o' Clock"
187 - Lunatic (Last Spell) - "End of Imperishable Night -Half Past 4-"
188 - Easy (Last Spell) - "End of Imperishable Night -Morning Mist-"
189 - Normal (Last Spell) - "End of Imperishable Night -Dawn-"

190 - Hard (Last Spell) - "End of Imperishable Night -Morning Star-"
191 - Lunatic (Last Spell) - "End of Imperishable Night -Rising World-"
192 - Extra - Past "Ancient History -Old History-"
193 - Extra - Reincarnation "Returning-Bridge Ichijo"
194 - Extra - Future "New History Of Phantasm -Next History-"
195 - Extra - Limiting Edict "Iwakasa's Moon Curse"
196 - Extra - Immortal "Fire Bird -Flying Phoenix-"

197 - Extra - Fujiwara "Flaw of Forgiving Shrine" // Wyczynowy
198 - Extra - Deathless "Xu Fu's Dimension"
199 - Extra - Forgiveness "Honest Man's Death"
200 - Extra - Hollow Giant "Woo"
201 - Extra - Everlasting "Phoenix's Tail"
202 - Extra - Hourai "South Wind, Clear Sky -Fujiyama Volcano-"

203 - Extra - "Possessed by Phoenix"
204 - Extra - "Hourai Doll"
205 - Extra (Last Spell) - "Imperishable Shooting"
206 - Last Word - "Unseasonal Butterfly Storm"
207 - Last Word - "Blind Nightbird"
208 - Last Word - "Emperor of the East"
209 - Last Word - "Lunatic Red Eyes"
210 - Last Word - "Heaven Spider's Butterfly-Capturing Web"
211 - Last Word - "Tree-Ocean of Hourai"
212 - Last Word - "Phoenix Rebirth"
213 - Last Word - "Ancient Duper"
214 - Last Word - "Total Purification"
215 - Last Word - "Fantasy Nature"
216 - Last Word - "Blazing Star"
217 - Last Word - "Deflation World"
218 - Last Word - "Paschal Moon-Reflecting Satellite Slash"
219 - Last Word - "The Phantom of the Grand Guignol"
220 - Last Word - "Scarlet Destiny"
221 - Last Word - "Saigyouji Flawless Nirvana"
222 - Last Word - "Profound Danmaku Barrier -Phantasm, Foam and Shadow-"
  • Ostatnia zmiana: Wrzesień 11, 2016, 22:32:37 przez Kreton

Odp: Fill the site!
Odpowiedź #5
Mountain of Faith: 26/110

Mountain of Faith
001 - Hard - Leaf Sign "Falling Leaves of Madness"
002 - Lunatic - Leaf Sign "Falling Leaves of Madness"
003 - Easy - Autumn Sign "Autumn Sky"
004 - Normal - Autumn Sign "Autumn Sky"
005 - Hard - Autumn Sign "The Autumn Sky and a Maiden's Heart"
006 - Lunatic - Autumn Sign "The Autumn Sky and a Maiden's Heart"
007 - Easy - Plenty Sign "Owotoshi Harvester"
008 - Normal - Plenty Sign "Owotoshi Harvester"
009 - Hard - Bumper Crop "Promise of the Wheat God"
010 - Lunatic - Bumper Crop "Promise of the Wheat God"
011 - Easy - Bad Luck Sign "Bad Fortune"
012 - Normal - Bad Luck Sign "Bad Fortune"
013 - Hard - Bad Luck Sign "Biorhythm of the Misfortune God"
014 - Lunatic - Bad Luck Sign "Biorhythm of the Misfortune God"
015 - Easy - Flawed Sign "Broken Amulet"
016 - Normal - Flawed Sign "Broken Amulet"
017 - Hard - Scar "Broken Charm of Protection"
018 - Lunatic - Scar "Broken Charm of Protection"
019 - Easy - Evil Spirit "Misfortune's Wheel"
020 - Normal - Evil Spirit "Misfortune's Wheel"
021 - Hard - Fate "Old Lady Ohgane's Fire"
022 - Lunatic - Fate "Old Lady Ohgane's Fire"
023 - Easy - Wound Sign "Pain Flow"
024 - Normal - Wound Sign "Pain Flow"
025 - Hard - Wound Sign "Exiled Doll"
026 - Lunatic - Wound Sign "Exiled Doll"
027 - Easy - Optics "Optical Camouflage"
028 - Normal - Optics "Optical Camouflage"
029 - Hard - Water Sign "Hydro Camouflage"
030 - Lunatic - Water Sign "Hydro Camouflage"
031 - Easy - Flood "Ooze Flooding"
032 - Normal - Flood "Ooze Flooding"
033 - Hard - Flood "Diluvial Mere"
034 - Lunatic - Drown "Trauma in the Glimmering Depths"
035 - Easy - Water Sign "Kappa Pororoca"
036 - Normal - Water Sign "Kappa's Pororoca"
037 - Hard - Water Sign "Kappa's Flash Flood"
038 - Lunatic - Water Sign "Kappa's Great Illusionary Waterfall"
039 - Easy - Kappa "Monster Cucumber"
040 - Normal - Kappa "Monster Cucumber"
041 - Hard - Kappa "Exteeeending Aaaaarm"
042 - Lunatic - Kappa "Spin the Cephalic Plate"
043 - Easy - Crossroad Sign "Crossroads of Heaven"
044 - Normal - Crossroad Sign "Crossroads of Heaven"
045 - Hard - Crossroad Sign "Saruta Cross"
046 - Lunatic - Crossroad Sign "Saruta Cross"
047 - Easy - Wind God "Wind God Hidden Among Tree Leaves"
048 - Normal - Wind God "Wind God Hidden Among Tree Leaves"
049 - Hard - Wind God "Tengu's Fall Wind"
050 - Lunatic - Wind God "Storm Day"
051 - Normal - "Illusionary Dominance"
052 - Hard - "Illusionary Dominance"
053 - Lunatic - "Peerless Wind God"
054 - Easy - Cork Sign "Mountain God Procession"
055 - Normal - Cork Sign "Mountain God Procession"
056 - Hard - Cork Sign "Advent of the Divine Grandson"
057 - Lunatic - Cork Sign "Terukuni Throughout the World"
058 - Easy - Esoterica "Gray Thaumaturgy"
059 - Normal - Esoterica "Gray Thaumaturgy"
060 - Hard - Esoterica "Forgotten Ritual"
061 - Lunatic - Esoterica "Secretly Inherited Art of Danmaku"
062 - Easy - Wonder "Daytime Guest Stars"
063 - Normal - Wonder "Daytime Guest Stars"
064 - Hard - Wonder "Night with Bright Guest Stars"
065 - Lunatic - Wonder "Night with Overly Bright Guest Stars"
066 - Easy - Sea Opening "The Day the Sea Split"
067 - Normal - Sea Opening "The Day the Sea Split"
068 - Hard - Sea Opening "Moses's Miracle"
069 - Lunatic - Sea Opening "Moses's Miracle"
070 - Easy - Preparation "Star Ritual to Call the Godly Winds"
071 - Normal - Preparation "Star Ritual to Call the Godly Winds"
072 - Hard - Preparation "Summon Takeminakata"
073 - Lunatic - Preparation "Summon Takeminakata"
074 - Easy - Miracle "God's Wind"
075 - Normal - Miracle "God's Wind"
076 - Hard - Great Miracle "Yasaka's Divine Wind"
077 - Lunatic - Great Miracle "Yasaka's Divine Wind"
078 - Easy - Divine Festival "Expanded Onbashira"
079 - Normal - Divine Festival "Expanded Onbashira"
080 - Hard - Weird Festival "Medoteko Boisterous Dance"
081 - Lunatic - Weird Festival "Medoteko Boisterous Dance"
082 - Easy - Rice Porridge in Tube "God's Rice Porridge"
083 - Normal - Rice Porridge in Tube "God's Rice Porridge"
084 - Hard - Forgotten Grain "Unremembered Crop"
085 - Lunatic - Divine Grain "Divining Crop"
086 - Easy - Sacrifice Sign "Misayama Hunting Shrine Ritual"
087 - Normal - Sacrifice Sign "Misayama Hunting Shrine Ritual"
088 - Hard - Mystery "Kuzui Clear Water"
089 - Lunatic - Mystery "Yamato Torus"
090 - Easy - Heaven's Stream "Miracle of Otensui"
091 - Normal - Heaven's Stream "Miracle of Otensui"
092 - Hard - Heaven's Dragon "Source of Rains"
093 - Lunatic - Heaven's Dragon "Source of Rains"
094 - Easy - "Mountain of Faith"
095 - Normal - "Mountain of Faith"
096 - Hard - "Virtue of Wind God"
097 - Lunatic - "Virtue of Wind God"
098 - Extra - God Sign "Beautiful Spring like Suiga"
099 - Extra - God Sign "Ancient Fate Linked by Cedars"
100 - Extra - God Sign "Omiwatari that God Walked"
101 - Extra - Party Start "Two Bows, Two Claps and One bow"
102 - Extra - Native God "Long-Arm and Long-Leg"

103 - Extra - Divine Tool "Moriya's Iron Ring"
104 - Extra - Spring Sign "Jade of the Horrid River"
105 - Extra - Frog Hunting "Frog Is Eaten by Snake due to the Croak"
106 - Extra - Native God "Seven Stones and Seven Trees"
107 - Extra - Native God "Kero-chan Braves the Wind and Rain"
108 - Extra - Native God "The Red Frog in the Fourth Year of the Houei Era"
109 - Extra - "Suwa War - Native Myth vs Central Myth"
110 - Extra - Scourge Sign "Mishaguji-sama"
  • Ostatnia zmiana: Sierpień 03, 2016, 15:10:30 przez Kreton

Odp: Fill the site!
Odpowiedź #6
Subterranean Animism: 1/175

Subterranean Animism
001 - Hard - Horror "Well-bucket-dropping Monster"
002 - Lunatic - Horror "Well-bucket-dropping Monster"
003 - Easy - Trap Sign "Capture Web"
004 - Normal - Trap Sign "Capture Web"
005 - Hard - Spider "Cave Spider's Nest"
006 - Lunatic - Spider "Cave Spider's Nest"
007 - Easy - Miasma Sign "Filled Miasma"
008 - Normal - Miasma Sign "Filled Miasma"
009 - Hard - Miasma "Unexplained Fever"
010 - Lunatic - Miasma "Unexplained Fever"
011 - Easy - Jealousy Sign "Green-Eyed Monster"
012 - Normal - Jealousy Sign "Green-Eyed Monster"
013 - Hard - Envy "Green-Eyed Invisible Monster"
014 - Lunatic - Envy "Green-Eyed Invisible Monster"
015 - Easy - Grandpa Hanasaka "Jealousy of the Kind and Lovely"
016 - Normal - Grandpa Hanasaka "Jealousy of the Kind and Lovely"
017 - Hard - Grandfather Cherry Blossom "Shiro's Ashes"
018 - Lunatic - Grandfather Cherry Blossom "Shiro's Ashes"
019 - Easy - Tongue-Cut Sparrow "Hate for the Humble and Rich"
020 - Normal - Tongue-Cut Sparrow "Hate for the Humble and Rich"
021 - Hard - Tongue-Cut Sparrow "Large Box and Small Box"
022 - Lunatic - Tongue-Cut Sparrow "Large Box and Small Box"
023 - Easy - Malice Sign "Midnight Anathema Ritual"
024 - Normal - Malice Sign "Midnight Anathema Ritual"
025 - Hard - Malice Sign "Day 7 of the Midnight Anathema Ritual"
026 - Lunatic - Malice Sign "Day 7 of the Midnight Anathema Ritual"
027 - Easy - Oni Sign "Anomalies, Strength, Disorder, and Spirits"
028 - Normal - Oni Sign "Anomalies, Strength, Disorder, and Spirits"
029 - Hard - Oni Sign "Anomalies, Strength, Disorder, and Spirits"
030 - Lunatic - Oni Sign "Anomalies, Strength, Disorder, and Spirits"
031 - Easy - Mysterious Ring "Hell's Wheel of Pain"
032 - Normal - Mysterious Ring "Hell's Wheel of Pain"
033 - Hard - Shackles Sign "Criminals' Irremovable Shackles"
034 - Lunatic - Shackles Sign "Criminals' Irremovable Shackles"
035 - Easy - Feat of Strength "Storm on Mt. Ooe"
036 - Normal - Feat of Strength "Storm on Mt. Ooe"
037 - Hard - Feat of Strength "Wind Blowing Down from Mt. Ooe"
038 - Lunatic - Feat of Strength "Wind Blowing Down from Mt. Ooe"
039 - Easy - Big Four Arcanum "Knock Out In Three Steps"
040 - Normal - Big Four Arcanum "Knock Out In Three Steps"
041 - Hard - Big Four Arcanum "Knock Out In Three Steps"
042 - Lunatic - Big Four Arcanum "Knock Out In Three Steps"
043 - Easy - Recollection "Terrible Souvenir"
044 - Normal - Recollection "Terrible Souvenir"
045 - Hard - Recollection "Terrifying Hypnotism"
046 - Lunatic - Recollection "Terrifying Hypnotism"
047 - Easy (Reimu-A) - Recollection "Double Black Death Butterfly"
048 - Normal (Reimu-A) - Recollection "Double Black Death Butterfly"
049 - Hard (Reimu-A) - Recollection "Double Black Death Butterfly"
050 - Lunatic (Reimu-A) - Recollection "Double Black Death Butterfly"
051 - Easy (Reimu-A) - Recollection "Flying Insect's Nest"
052 - Normal (Reimu-A) - Recollection "Flying Insect's Nest"
053 - Hard (Reimu-A) - Recollection "Flying Insect's Nest"
054 - Lunatic (Reimu-A) - Recollection "Flying Insect's Nest"
055 - Easy (Reimu-A) - Recollection "Border of Wave and Particle"
056 - Normal (Reimu-A) - Recollection "Border of Wave and Particle"
057 - Hard (Reimu-A) - Recollection "Border of Wave and Particle"
058 - Lunatic (Reimu-A) - Recollection "Border of Wave and Particle"
059 - Easy (Reimu-B) - Recollection "Throwing Mt. Togakushi"
060 - Normal (Reimu-B) - Recollection "Throwing Mt. Togakushi"
061 - Hard (Reimu-B) - Recollection "Throwing Mt. Togakushi"
062 - Lunatic (Reimu-B) - Recollection "Throwing Mt. Togakushi"
063 - Easy (Reimu-B) - Recollection "Pandemonium"
064 - Normal (Reimu-B) - Recollection "Pandemonium"
065 - Hard (Reimu-B) - Recollection "Pandemonium"
066 - Lunatic (Reimu-B) - Recollection "Pandemonium"
067 - Easy (Reimu-B) - Recollection "Deep Mist Labyrinth"
068 - Normal (Reimu-B) - Recollection "Deep Mist Labyrinth"
069 - Hard (Reimu-B) - Recollection "Deep Mist Labyrinth"
070 - Lunatic (Reimu-B) - Recollection "Deep Mist Labyrinth"
071 - Easy (Reimu-C) - Recollection "Wind God Hidden Among Tree Leaves"
072 - Normal (Reimu-C) - Recollection "Wind God Hidden Among Tree Leaves"
073 - Hard (Reimu-C) - Recollection "Wind God Hidden Among Tree Leaves"
074 - Lunatic (Reimu-C) - Recollection "Wind God Hidden Among Tree Leaves"
075 - Easy (Reimu-C) - Recollection "Tengu Macro Burst"
076 - Normal (Reimu-C) - Recollection "Tengu Macro Burst"
077 - Hard (Reimu-C) - Recollection "Tengu Macro Burst"
078 - Lunatic (Reimu-C) - Recollection "Tengu Macro Burst"
079 - Easy (Reimu-C) - Recollection "Great Whirlwind"
080 - Normal (Reimu-C) - Recollection "Great Whirlwind"
081 - Hard (Reimu-C) - Recollection "Great Whirlwind"
082 - Lunatic (Reimu-C) - Recollection "Great Whirlwind"
083 - Easy (Marisa-A) - Recollection "Spring Kyoto Dolls"
084 - Normal (Marisa-A) - Recollection "Spring Kyoto Dolls"
085 - Hard (Marisa-A) - Recollection "Spring Kyoto Dolls"
086 - Lunatic (Marisa-A) - Recollection "Spring Kyoto Dolls"
087 - Easy (Marisa-A) - Recollection "Straw Doll Kamikaze"
088 - Normal (Marisa-A) - Recollection "Straw Doll Kamikaze"
089 - Hard (Marisa-A) - Recollection "Straw Doll Kamikaze"
090 - Lunatic (Marisa-A) - Recollection "Straw Doll Kamikaze"
091 - Easy (Marisa-A) - Recollection "Return Inanimateness"
092 - Normal (Marisa-A) - Recollection "Return Inanimateness"
093 - Hard (Marisa-A) - Recollection "Return Inanimateness"
094 - Lunatic (Marisa-A) - Recollection "Return Inanimateness"
095 - Easy (Marisa-B) - Recollection "Mercury Poison"
096 - Normal (Marisa-B) - Recollection "Mercury Poison"
097 - Hard (Marisa-B) - Recollection "Mercury Poison"
098 - Lunatic (Marisa-B) - Recollection "Mercury Poison"
099 - Easy (Marisa-B) - Recollection "Princess Undine"
100 - Normal (Marisa-B) - Recollection "Princess Undine"
101 - Hard (Marisa-B) - Recollection "Princess Undine"
102 - Lunatic (Marisa-B) - Recollection "Princess Undine"
103 - Easy (Marisa-B) - Recollection "Philosopher's Stone"
104 - Normal (Marisa-B) - Recollection "Philosopher's Stone"
105 - Hard (Marisa-B) - Recollection "Philosopher's Stone"
106 - Lunatic (Marisa-B) - Recollection "Philosopher's Stone"
107 - Easy (Marisa-C) - Recollection "Extending Arm"
108 - Normal (Marisa-C) - Recollection "Extending Arm"
109 - Hard (Marisa-C) - Recollection "Extending Arm"
110 - Lunatic (Marisa-C) - Recollection "Extending Arm"
111 - Easy (Marisa-C) - Recollection "Kappa's Pororoca"
112 - Normal (Marisa-C) - Recollection "Kappa's Pororoca"
113 - Hard (Marisa-C) - Recollection "Kappa's Pororoca"
114 - Lunatic (Marisa-C) - Recollection "Kappa's Pororoca"
115 - Easy (Marisa-C) - Recollection "Trauma in the Glimmering Depths"
116 - Normal (Marisa-C) - Recollection "Trauma in the Glimmering Depths"
117 - Hard (Marisa-C) - Recollection "Trauma in the Glimmering Depths"
118 - Lunatic (Marisa-C) - Recollection "Trauma in the Glimmering Depths"
119 - Easy - Cat Sign "Cat's Walk"
120 - Normal - Cat Sign "Cat's Walk"
121 - Hard - Cat Sign "Vengeful Cat Spirit's Erratic Step"
122 - Lunatic - Cat Sign "Vengeful Cat Spirit's Erratic Step"
123 - Easy - Cursed Sprite "Zombie Fairy"
124 - Normal - Cursed Sprite "Zombie Fairy"
125 - Hard - Cursed Sprite "Vengeful Spirit: Possessed Fairy"
126 - Lunatic - Cursed Sprite "Vengeful Spirit: Possessed Fairy"
127 - Easy - Malicious Spirit "Spleen Eater"
128 - Normal - Malicious Spirit "Spleen Eater"
129 - Hard - Corpse Spirit "Vengeful Cannibal Spirit"
130 - Lunatic - Corpse Spirit "Vengeful Cannibal Spirit"
131 - Easy - Atonement "Needle Mountain of a Former Hell"
132 - Normal - Atonement "Needle Mountain of a Former Hell"
133 - Hard - Apology "The Needles of Yore and the Vengeful Spirits in Pain"
134 - Lunatic - Apology "The Needles of Yore and the Vengeful Spirits in Pain"
135 - Easy - "Rekindling of Dead Ashes"
136 - Normal - "Rekindling of Dead Ashes"
137 - Hard - "Small Demon's Revival"
138 - Lunatic - "Small Demon's Revival"
139 - Easy - Youkai "Blazing Wheel"
140 - Normal - Youkai "Blazing Wheel"
141 - Hard - Youkai "Blazing Wheel"
142 - Lunatic - Youkai "Blazing Wheel"
143 - Easy - Atomic Fire "Nuclear Fusion"
144 - Normal - Atomic Fire "Nuclear Fusion"
145 - Hard - Atomic Fire "Nuclear Excursion"
146 - Lunatic - Atomic Fire "Uncontainable Nuclear Reaction"
147 - Easy - Explosion Sign "Petit Flare"
148 - Normal - Explosion Sign "Mega Flare"
149 - Hard - Explosion Sign "Giga Flare"
150 - Lunatic - Explosion Sign "Peta Flare"
151 - Easy - Blazing Star "Fixed Star"
152 - Normal - Blazing Star "Fixed Star"
153 - Hard - Blazing Star "Planetary Revolution"
154 - Lunatic - Blazing Star "Ten Evil Stars"
155 - Easy - "Hell and Heaven Meltdown"
156 - Normal - "Hell and Heaven Meltdown"
157 - Hard - "Hell's Tokamak"
158 - Lunatic - "Hell's Tokamak"
159 - Easy - "Hell's Artificial Sun"
160 - Normal - "Hell's Artificial Sun"
161 - Hard - "Subterranean Sun"
162 - Lunatic - "Subterranean Sun"
163 - Extra - Esoterica "Nine Syllable Stabs"
164 - Extra - Miracle "Miracle Fruit"
165 - Extra - Divine Virtue "Bumper Crop Rice Shower"
166 - Extra - Symbol "All Ancestors Standing Beside Your Bed"
167 - Extra - Symbol "Danmaku Paranoia"
168 - Extra - Instinct "Release of the Id"
169 - Extra - Suppression "Super-ego"
170 - Extra - Response "Youkai Polygraph"
171 - Extra - Subconscious "Rorschach in Danmaku"
172 - Extra - Rekindled "The Embers of Love"
173 - Extra - Depths "Genetics of the Subconscious"
174 - Extra - "Philosophy of a Hated Person"
175 - Extra - "Subterranean Rose"
  • Ostatnia zmiana: Sierpień 03, 2016, 14:08:10 przez Kreton

Odp: Fill the site!
Odpowiedź #7
Undefined Fantastic Object: 0/113

Undefined Fantastic Object
001 - Hard - Rod Sign "Busy Rod"
002 - Lunatic - Rod Sign "Busy Rod"
003 - Easy - Search Sign "Rare Metal Detector"
004 - Normal - Search Sign "Rare Metal Detector"
005 - Hard - Search Sign "Gold Detector"
006 - Lunatic - Search Sign "Gold Detector"
007 - Easy - Vision Sign "Nazrin Pendulum"
008 - Normal - Vision Sign "Nazrin Pendulum"
009 - Hard - Vision Sign "High Sensitivity Nazrin Pendulum"
010 - Lunatic - Defense Sign "Pendulum Guard"
011 - Easy - Large Ring "Umbrella Halo"
012 - Normal - Large Ring "Umbrella Halo"
013 - Hard - Large Ring "Hello Forgotten World"
014 - Lunatic - Large Ring "Hello Forgotten World"
015 - Easy - Umbrella Sign "Parasol Star Symphony"
016 - Normal - Umbrella Sign "Parasol Star Symphony"
017 - Hard - Umbrella Sign "Parasol Star Memories
018 - Lunatic - Umbrella Sign "Parasol Star Memories"
019 - Easy - Rain Sign "A Rainy Night's Ghost Story"
020 - Normal - Rain Sign "A Rainy Night's Ghost Story"
021 - Hard - Umbrella "Super-Water Repelling Bone-Dry
022 - Lunatic - Umbrella "Super-Water Repelling Bone-Dry Monster"
023 - Easy - Monster Sign "A Forgotten Umbrella's Night Train"
024 - Normal - Monster Sign "A Forgotten Umbrella's Night Train"
025 - Hard - Monster Train "Spare Umbrella Express Night Carnival"
026 - Lunatic - Monster Train "Spare Umbrella Express Night Carnival"
027 - Easy - Iron Fist "An Unarguable Youkai Punch"
028 - Normal - Iron Fist "An Unarguable Youkai Punch"
029 - Hard - Divine Fist "Hell Thrust from Above the Clouds"
030 - Lunatic - Divine Fist "Hell Thrust from the Heavenly Seas"
031 - Easy - Fist Sign "Heavenly Net Sandbag"
032 - Normal - Fist Sign "Heavenly Net Sandbag"
033 - Hard - Barrage "Cloud World Kraken Strike"
034 - Lunatic - Barrage "King Kraken Strike"
035 - Easy - Hand Strike "Fist Smash"
036 - Normal - Hand Strike "Fist Smash"
037 - Hard - Annihilation "Consecutive Hooks throughout Heaven and Earth"
038 - Lunatic - Annihilation "Consecutive Hooks throughout Heaven and Earth"
039 - Easy - Thunderous Yell "A Scolding From a Traditional Old Man"
040 - Normal - Thunderous Yell "A Scolding From a Traditional Old Man"
041 - Hard - Rage "Calamity Scolding Scorch"
042 - Lunatic - Rage "First and Last of Its Kind Scolding Scorch"
043 - Easy - Capsize "Dragging Anchor"
044 - Normal - Capsize "Dragging Anchor"
045 - Hard - Capsize "Foundering Anchor"
046 - Lunatic - Capsize "Sinking Anchor"
047 - Easy - Drowning Sign "Deep Vortex"
048 - Normal - Drowning Sign "Deep Vortex"
049 - Hard - Drowning Sign "Sinkable Vortex"
050 - Lunatic - Drowning Sign "Sinkable Vortex"
051 - Easy - Harbor Sign "Phantom Ship Harbor"
052 - Normal - Harbor Sign "Phantom Ship Harbor"
053 - Hard - Harbor Sign "Ghost Ship's Port"
054 - Lunatic - Harbor Sign "Eternally Anchored Ghost Ship"
055 - Normal - Ghost "Sinker Ghost"
056 - Hard - Ghost "Dipper Creeping Close"
057 - Lunatic - Ghost "Dipper Creeping Close"
058 - Easy - Jeweled Pagoda "Greatest Treasure"
059 - Normal - Jeweled Pagoda "Greatest Treasure"
060 - Hard - Jeweled Pagoda "Greatest Treasure"
061 - Lunatic - Jeweled Pagoda "Greatest Treasure"
062 - Easy - Jeweled Pagoda "Radiant Treasure"
063 - Normal - Jeweled Pagoda "Radiant Treasure"
064 - Hard - Jeweled Pagoda "Radiant Treasure Gun
065 - Lunatic - Jeweled Pagoda "Radiant Treasure Gun"
066 - Easy - Light Sign "Absolute Justice"
067 - Normal - Light Sign "Absolute Justice"
068 - Hard - Light Sign "Aura of Justice"
069 - Lunatic - Light Sign "Aura of Justice"
070 - Easy - Buddhist Art "Most Valuable Vajra
071 - Normal - Buddhist Art "Most Valuable Vajra"
072 - Hard - Buddha's Light "Vajra of Perfect Buddhism"
073 - Lunatic - Buddha's Light "Vajra of Perfect Buddhism"
074 - Easy - Light Sign "Demon of Purification"
075 - Normal - Light Sign "Demon of Purification"
076 - Hard - Light Sign "Demon of Purification"
077 - Lunatic - "Complete Clarification"
078 - Easy - Magic "Omen in Purple Mist"
079 - Normal - Magic "Omen in Purple Mist"
080 - Hard - Good Omen "Cloudy Way in Purple"
081 - Lunatic - Good Omen "Nirvana's Cloudy Way in Purple"
082 - Easy - Magic "Mystic Fragrance of a Makai Butterfly"
083 - Normal - Magic "Mystic Fragrance of a Makai Butterfly"
084 - Hard - Magic "Magic Butterfly"
085 - Lunatic - Magic "Magic Butterfly"
086 - Easy - Light Magic "Star Maelstrom"
087 - Normal - Light Magic "Star Maelstrom"
088 - Hard - Light Magic "Magic Milky Way"
089 - Lunatic - Light Magic "Magic Milky Way"
090 - Easy - Great Magic "Devil's Recitation"
091 - Normal - Great Magic "Devil's Recitation"
092 - Hard - Great Magic "Devil's Recitation"
093 - Lunatic - Great Magic "Devil's Recitation"
094 - Normal - "Nikou Hijiri's Air Scroll"
095 - Hard - "Nikou Hijiri's Air Scroll"
096 - Lunatic - Superhuman "Byakuren Hijiri"
097 - Easy - Flying Bowl "Flying Fantastica"
098 - Normal - Flying Bowl "Flying Fantastica"
099 - Hard - Flying Bowl "Legendary Flying Saucer"
100 - Lunatic - Flying Bowl "Legendary Flying Saucer"
101 - Extra - Umbrella Sign "Lightly Falling Large Raindrops"
102 - Extra - Surprising Rain "Guerrilla Typhoon"
103 - Extra - Halo "Karakasa Surprising Flash"
104 - Extra - Ominous Clouds "Heian Dark Clouds"
105 - Extra - Unidentified "Red UFO Invasion of Rage"
106 - Extra - Nue Sign "Mysterious Snake Show"
107 - Extra - Unidentified "Blue UFO Invasion of Grief"
108 - Extra - Nue Sign "Danmaku Chimera"
109 - Extra - Unidentified "Green UFO Invasion of Loyalty"
110 - Extra - Nue Sign "Undefined Darkness"
111 - Extra - Unidentified "Rainbow UFO Invasion of Terror"
112 - Extra - "Nightmare of Heiankyou
113 - Extra - Grudge Bow "The Bow of Genzanmi Yorimasa

Odp: Fill the site!
Odpowiedź #8
Ten Desires: 127/127 Completed

Ten Desires
001 - Easy - Symbol "Dance of the Dead Butterflies"
002 - Normal - Symbol "Dance of the Dead Butterflies"
003 - Hard - Symbol "Dance of the Dead Butterflies - Cherry Blossoms -"
004 - Lunatic - Symbol "Dance of the Dead Butterflies - Cherry Blossoms -"
005 - Easy - Ghostly Butterfly "Ghost Spot"
006 - Normal - Ghostly Butterfly "Ghost Spot"
007 - Hard - Ghostly Butterfly "Ghost Spot - Cherry Blossoms -"
008 - Lunatic - Ghostly Butterfly "Ghost Spot - Cherry Blossoms -"
009 - Easy - Nether Sign "Endless Evening Cherry Blossoms"
010 - Normal - Nether Sign "Endless Evening Cherry Blossoms"
011 - Hard - Nether Sign "Endless Evening Cherry Blossoms"
012 - Lunatic - Nether Sign "Endless Evening Cherry Blossoms"
013 - Hard - Cherry Blossom Sign "Saigyou Cherry Blossom Blizzard"
014 - Lunatic - Cherry Blossom Sign "Saigyou Cherry Blossom Blizzard"
015 - Easy - Echo Sign "Mountain Echo"
016 - Normal - Echo Sign "Mountain Echo"
017 - Hard - Echo Sign "Mountain Echo Scramble"
018 - Lunatic - Echo Sign "Mountain Echo Scramble"
019 - Easy - Echo Sign "Power Resonance"
020 - Normal - Echo Sign "Power Resonance"
021 - Hard - Echo Sign "Power Resonance"
022 - Lunatic - Echo Sign "Power Resonance"
023 - Easy - Mountain Echo "Long-Range Echo"
024 - Normal - Mountain Echo "Long-Range Echo"
025 - Hard - Mountain Echo "Amplify Echo"
026 - Lunatic - Mountain Echo "Amplify Echo"
027 - Easy - Great Voice "Charged Cry"
028 - Normal - Great Voice "Charged Cry"
029 - Hard - Great Voice "Charged Yahoo!"
030 - Lunatic - Great Voice "Charged Yahoo!"
031 - Hard - Rainbow Sign "Umbrella Cyclone"
032 - Lunatic - Rainbow Sign "Umbrella Cyclone"
033 - Easy - Recovery "Heal By Desire"
034 - Normal - Recovery "Heal By Desire"
035 - Hard - Recovery "Heal By Desire"
036 - Lunatic - Recovery "Heal By Desire"
037 - Easy - Poison Nail "Poison Raze"
038 - Normal - Poison Nail "Poison Raze"
039 - Hard - Poison Nail "Poison Murder"
040 - Lunatic - Poison Nail "Poison Murder"
041 - Easy - Desire Sign "Saved Up Desire Spirit Invitation"
// Alternatywny
042 - Normal - Desire Sign "Saved Up Desire Spirit Invitation"
043 - Hard - Desire Sign "Score Desire Eater"
044 - Lunatic - Desire Sign "Score Desire Eater"
045 - Normal - Evil Sign "Yang Xiaogui"
046 - Hard - Evil Sign "Guhun Yegui"
047 - Lunatic - Evil Sign "Guhun Yegui"
048 - Easy - Demonify "Zouhuo Rumo"
049 - Normal - Demonify "Zouhuo Rumo"
050 - Hard - Demonify "Zouhuo Rumo"
051 - Lunatic - Demonify "Zouhuo Rumo"
052 - Easy - Possession "Corpse Tongji"
053 - Normal - Possession "Corpse Tongji"
054 - Hard - Spirit Link "Tongling Yoshika"
055 - Lunatic - Spirit Link "Tongling Yoshika"
056 - Easy - Path Sign "Tao Fetal Movement"
057 - Normal - Path Sign "Tao Fetal Movement"
058 - Hard - Path Sign "Tao Fetal Movement"
059 - Lunatic - Path Sign "Tao Fetal Movement"
060 - Normal - Thunder Arrow "Gagouji's Cyclone"
061 - Hard - Thunder Arrow "Gagouji's Cyclone"
062 - Lunatic - Thunder Arrow "Gagouji's Tornado"
063 - Easy - Heaven Sign "Rainy Iwafune"
064 - Normal - Heaven Sign "Rainy Iwafune"
065 - Hard - Heaven Sign "Iwafune Ascending to Heaven"
066 - Lunatic - Heaven Sign "Iwafune Ascending to Heaven"
067 - Easy - Throwing Dishes "Mononobe's Eighty Sake Cups"
068 - Normal - Throwing Dishes "Mononobe's Eighty Sake Cups"
069 - Hard - Throwing Dishes "Mononobe's Eighty Sake Cups"
070 - Lunatic - Throwing Dishes "Mononobe's Eighty Sake Cups"
071 - Easy - Blaze Sign "Blazing Winds of Haibutsu"
072 - Normal - Blaze Sign "Blazing Winds of Haibutsu"
073 - Hard - Blaze Sign "Sakuraiji in Flames"
074 - Lunatic - Blaze Sign "Sakuraiji in Flames"
075 - Easy - Saint Girl "Oomonoimi's Dinner"
076 - Normal - Saint Girl "Oomonoimi's Dinner"
077 - Hard - Saint Girl "Oomonoimi's Dinner"
078 - Lunatic - Saint Girl "Oomonoimi's Dinner"
079 - Easy - Honor "Colors of Twelve Levels"
080 - Normal - Honor "Colors of Twelve Levels"
081 - Hard - Honor "Ranks of Twelve Levels"
082 - Lunatic - Honor "Ranks of Twelve Levels"
083 - Easy - Hermit Sign "Taoist of the Land of the Rising Sun"
084 - Normal - Hermit Sign "Taoist of the Land of the Rising Sun"
085 - Hard - Hermit Sign "Emperor of the Land of the Rising Sun"
086 - Lunatic - Hermit Sign "Emperor of the Land of the Rising Sun"
087 - Easy - Summon "Royal Clan's Chaotic Dance"
088 - Normal - Summon "Royal Clan's Chaotic Dance"
089 - Hard - Summon "Royal Clan's Chaotic Dance"
090 - Lunatic - Summon "Royal Clan's Chaotic Dance"
091 - Easy - Secret Treasure "Armillary Sphere of Ikaruga-dera"
092 - Normal - Secret Treasure "Armillary Sphere of Ikaruga-dera"
// Alternatywny
093 - Hard - Secret Treasure "Armillary Sphere of Ikaruga-dera"
094 - Lunatic - Secret Treasure "Prince Shotoku's Out-of-place Artifact"
095 - Easy - Light Sign "Halo of the Guse Kannon"
096 - Normal - Light Sign "Halo of the Guse Kannon"
097 - Hard - Light Sign "Guse Flash"
098 - Lunatic - Light Sign "Guse Flash"
099 - Easy - Discernment "Laser of Seventeen Articles"
100 - Normal - Discernment "Laser of Seventeen Articles"
101 - Hard - Divine Light "Honour the Avoidance of Defiance"
102 - Lunatic - Divine Light "Honour the Avoidance of Defiance"
103 - Easy - "Falling Stars on Divine Spirit Mausoleum"
104 - Normal - "Falling Stars on Divine Spirit Mausoleum"
105 - Hard - "Newborn Divine Spirit"
106 - Lunatic - "Newborn Divine Spirit"
107 - Extra - Unknown "Will-o'-wisps in Unknown Orbit"
108 - Extra - Unknown "Skyfish with Unknown Shape"
109 - Extra - Unknown "Youkai Orb of Unknown Mechanics"
110 - Extra - First Duel "Primate Danmaku Transformation"
111 - Extra - Second Duel "Carnivorous Danmaku Transformation"
112 - Extra - Third Duel "Avian Danmaku Transformation"
113 - Extra - Fourth Duel "Amphibian Danmaku Transformation"
114 - Extra - Fifth Duel "Scrolls of Frolicking Animals"
115 - Extra - Sixth Duel "Tanuki's Monstrous School"
116 - Extra - Seventh Duel "Wild Deserted Island"
117 - Extra - Transformation "Pseudo-Exorcism of the Stupid Shrine Maiden"
118 - Extra - "Mamizou Danmaku in Ten Transformations"
119 - Extra - Raccoon Sign "Full Moon Pompokolin"
120 - Overdrive - Cherry Blossom Sign "Cherry Blossom Blizzard Hell"
// Wyczynowy // Wyczynowy Alternatywny
121 - Overdrive - Mountain Echo "Yamabiko's Specialty Echo Demonstration"
122 - Overdrive - Poison Nail "Undead Murderer"
123 - Overdrive - Path Sign "TAO Fetal Movement ~Dao~"
124 - Overdrive - Apparition "Iruka's Thunder"
125 - Overdrive - Saint Girl "Sun Goddess's Sacrifice"
126 - Overdrive - "Divine Spirits' Universe"
127 - Overdrive - "Wild Carpet"
  • Ostatnia zmiana: Sierpień 16, 2016, 19:33:34 przez Kreton

Odp: Fill the site!
Odpowiedź #9
Double Dealing Character: 103/120

Double Dealing Character
001 - Hard - Ice Sign "Ultimate Blizzard"
002 - Lunatic - Ice Sign "Ultimate Blizzard"
003 - Easy - Water Sign "Tail Fin Slap"
// Wyczynowy // Wyczynowy Alternatywny
004 - Normal - Water Sign "Tail Fin Slap"
005 - Hard - Water Sign "Tail Fin Slap"
006 - Lunatic - Water Sign "Tail Fin Slap"
007 - Easy - Scale Sign "Scale Wave"
008 - Normal - Scale Sign "Scale Wave"
009 - Hard - Scale Sign "Raging Waves of the Reversed Scale"
010 - Lunatic - Scale Sign "Great Raging Waves of the Reversed Scale"
011 - Easy - Flight Sign "Flying Head"
// Alternatywny
012 - Normal - Flight Sign "Flying Head"
013 - Hard - Flight Sign "Flying Head"
014 - Lunatic - Flight Sign "Flying Head"
015 - Easy - Neck Sign "Close-Eye Shot"
016 - Normal - Neck Sign "Close-Eye Shot"
017 - Hard - Neck Sign "Rokurokubi Flight"
018 - Lunatic - Neck Sign "Rokurokubi Flight"
019 - Easy - Flying Head "Multiplicative Head"
020 - Normal - Flying Head "Multiplicative Head"
021 - Hard - Flying Head "Seventh Head"
022 - Lunatic - Flying Head "Ninth Head"
023 - Easy - Flying Head "Dullahan Night"
024 - Normal - Flying Head "Dullahan Night"
025 - Hard - Flying Head "Dullahan Night"
026 - Lunatic - Flying Head "Dullahan Night"
027 - Hard - Fang Sign "Canine Teeth Under the Moon"
028 - Lunatic - Fang Sign "Canine Teeth Under the Moon"
029 - Easy - Transformation "Triangle Fang"
030 - Normal - Transformation "Triangle Fang"
031 - Hard - Transformation "Star Fang"
032 - Lunatic - Transformation "Star Fang"
033 - Easy - Roar "Strange Roar"
034 - Normal - Roar "Strange Roar"
035 - Hard - Roar "Howling of the Full Moon"
036 - Lunatic - Roar "Howling of the Full Moon"
037 - Easy - Wolf Sign "Star Ring Pounce"
038 - Normal - Wolf Sign "Star Ring Pounce"
039 - Hard - Sirius "High-Speed Pounce"
040 - Lunatic - Sirius "High-Speed Pounce"
041 - Easy - Heikyoku "Sounds of Jetavana's Bell"
042 - Normal - Heikyoku "Sounds of Jetavana's Bell"
043 - Hard - Heikyoku "Sounds of Jetavana's Bell"
044 - Lunatic - Heikyoku "Sounds of Jetavana's Bell"
045 - Easy - Vengeful Spirit "Hoichi the Earless"
046 - Normal - Vengeful Spirit "Hoichi the Earless"
047 - Hard - Vengeful Spirit "Great Vengeful Spirit of Taira"
048 - Lunatic - Vengeful Spirit "Great Vengeful Spirit of Taira"
049 - Easy - Music Sign "Wicked Musical Score"
050 - Normal - Music Sign "Wicked Musical Score"
051 - Hard - Music Sign "Malicious Musical Score"
052 - Lunatic - Music Sign "Double Score"
053 - Easy - Koto Sign "Sounds of Anicca's Koto"
// Wyczynowy
054 - Normal - Koto Sign "Sounds of Anicca's Koto"
055 - Hard - Koto Sign "Sounds of Anicca's Koto"
056 - Lunatic - Koto Sign "Sounds of Anicca's Koto"
057 - Easy - Echo Sign "Heian's Reverberation"
058 - Normal - Echo Sign "Heian's Reverberation"
059 - Hard - Echo Sign "Echo Chamber"
060 - Lunatic - Echo Sign "Echo Chamber"
061 - Easy - Koto Music "Social Upheaval Koto Music Complement"
062 - Hard - Koto Music "Social Upheaval Requiem"
063 - Hard - Koto Music "Social Upheaval Requiem"
064 - Lunatic - Koto Music "Social Upheaval Requiem"
065 - Easy - Deceit Sign "Reverse Needle Attack"
066 - Normal - Deceit Sign "Reverse Needle Attack"
067 - Hard - Deceit Sign "Reverse Needle Attack"

068 - Lunatic - Deceit Sign "Reverse Needle Attack"
069 - Easy - Reverse Sign "Danmaku Through the Looking-Glass"
070 - Normal - Reverse Sign "Danmaku Through the Looking-Glass"
071 - Hard - Reverse Sign "Danmaku Through the Looking-Glass"

072 - Lunatic - Reverse Sign "Danmaku Through the Looking-Glass"
073 - Easy - Reverse Sign "This Side Down"
074 - Normal - Reverse Sign "This Side Down"
075 - Hard - Reverse Sign "Overturning All Under Heaven"

076 - Lunatic - Reverse Sign "Overturning All Under Heaven"
077 - Easy - Reverse Bow "Dream Bow of Heaven & Earth"
078 - Normal - Reverse Bow "Dream Bow of Heaven & Earth"
079 - Hard - Reverse Bow "Decree of the Dream Bow of Heaven & Earth"

080 - Lunatic - Reverse Bow "Decree of the Dream Bow of Heaven & Earth"
081 - Easy - Turnabout "Reverse Hierarchy"
082 - Normal - Turnabout "Reverse Hierarchy"
083 - Hard - Turnabout "Change Air Brave"

084 - Lunatic - Turnabout "Change Air Brave"
085 - Easy - Small Bullet "Kobito's Path"
086 - Normal - Small Bullet "Kobito's Path"

087 - Hard - Small Bullet "Kobito's Thorny Path"
088 - Lunatic - Small Bullet "Kobito's Thorny Path"
089 - Easy - Mallet "Grow Bigger!"
090 - Normal - Mallet "Grow Bigger!"

091 - Hard - Mallet "Grow Even Bigger!"
092 - Lunatic - Mallet "Grow Even Bigger!"
093 - Easy - Bewitched Sword "Shining Needle Sword"
094 - Normal - Bewitched Sword "Shining Needle Sword"

095 - Hard - Bewitched Sword "Shining Needle Sword"
096 - Lunatic - Bewitched Sword "Shining Needle Sword"
097 - Easy - Mallet "You Grow Bigger!"
098 - Normal - Mallet "You Grow Bigger!"

099 - Hard - Mallet "You Grow Bigger!"
100 - Lunatic - Mallet "You Grow Bigger!"
101 - Easy - "Attack on Dwarf"
102 - Normal - "Attack on Dwarf"

103 - Hard - "Wall of Issun"
104 - Lunatic - "Wall of Issun"
105 - Easy - "Hop-o'-My-Thumb Seven"
106 - Normal - "Hop-o'-My-Thumb Seven"

107 - Hard - "The Seven Issun-Boushi"
108 - Lunatic - "The Seven Issun-Boushi"
109 - Extra - String Music "Storm Ensemble"
110 - Extra - String Music "Joururi World"
111 - Extra - First Drum "Raging Temple Taiko"
112 - Extra - Second Drum "Vengeful Spirit Aya-no-Tsuzumi"
113 - Extra - Third Drum "Three Strikes at Midnight"
114 - Extra - Death Drum "Land Percuss"
115 - Extra - Fifth Drum "Den-Den Daiko"
116 - Extra - Sixth Drum "Alternate Sticking"
117 - Extra - Seventh Drum "High Speed Taiko Rocket"
118 - Extra - Eighth Drum "Thunder God's Anger"
119 - Extra - "Blue Lady Show"
120 - Extra - "Pristine Beat"
  • Ostatnia zmiana: Wrzesień 04, 2016, 23:48:20 przez Kreton

Odp: Fill the site!
Odpowiedź #10
Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom: 31/119

Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
001 - Hard - Evil Bullet "Speed Strike"
002 - Lunatic - Evil Bullet "Speed Strike"
003 - Easy - Bullet Sign "Eagle Shooting"
004 - Normal - Bullet Sign "Eagle Shooting"

005 - Hard - Bullet Sign "Eagle Shooting"
006 - Lunatic - Bullet Sign "The Eagle Has Been Shot"
007 - Easy - Gun Sign "Lunatic Gun"
008 - Normal - Gun Sign "Lunatic Gun"

009 - Hard - Gun Sign "Lunatic Gun"
010 - Lunatic - Gun Sign "Lunatic Gun"
011 - Easy - Rabbit Sign "Strawberry Dango"
012 - Normal - Rabbit Sign "Strawberry Dango"

013 - Hard - Rabbit Sign "Berry Berry Dango"
014 - Lunatic - Rabbit Sign "Berry Berry Dango"
015 - Easy - Rabbit Sign "Dango Influence"
016 - Normal - Rabbit Sign "Dango Influence"

017 - Hard - Rabbit Sign "Dango Influence"
018 - Lunatic - Rabbit Sign "Dango Influence"
019 - Easy - Moon-Viewing "September Full Moon"
020 - Normal - Moon-Viewing "September Full Moon"

021 - Hard - Moon-Viewing "September Full Moon"
022 - Lunatic - Moon-Viewing Sake "Lunatic September"
023 - Easy - Dream Sign "Scarlet Nightmare"
024 - Normal - Dream Sign "Scarlet Nightmare"
025 - Hard - Dream Sign "Scarlet Oppressive Nightmare"
026 - Lunatic - Dream Sign "Scarlet Oppressive Nightmare"
027 - Easy - Dream Sign "Indigo Dream of Sorrow"
028 - Normal - Dream Sign "Indigo Dream of Sorrow"
029 - Hard - Dream Sign "Indigo Three-Layered Dream of Sorrow"
030 - Lunatic - Dream Sign "Dream of Eternal Sorrow"
031 - Easy - Dream Sign "Ochre Delusion"
032 - Normal - Dream Sign "Ochre Delusion"
033 - Hard - Dream Sign "Ochre Labyrinthine Delusion"
034 - Lunatic - Dream Sign "Ochre Labyrinthine Delusion"
035 - Easy - Dream Sign "Dream Catcher"
036 - Normal - Dream Sign "Dream Catcher"
037 - Hard - Dream Sign "Azure Dream Catcher"
038 - Lunatic - Dream Sign "Losing Oneself in a Dream"
039 - Easy - Moon Sign "Ultramarine Lunatic Dream"
040 - Normal - Moon Sign "Ultramarine Lunatic Dream"
041 - Hard - Moon Sign "Ultramarine Lunatic Dream"
042 - Lunatic - Moon Sign "Ultramarine Lunatic Dream"
043 - Easy - Orb Sign "Disorderly Flock's Curse"
044 - Normal - Orb Sign "Disorderly Flock's Curse"
045 - Hard - Orb Sign "Disorderly Flock's Reverse Curse"
046 - Lunatic - Orb Sign "Disorderly Flock's Duplex Curse"
047 - Easy - Orb Sign "Impure Body Detection Mines"
048 - Normal - Orb Sign "Impure Body Detection Mines"
049 - Hard - Orb Sign "Impure Body Detection Mines V2"
050 - Lunatic - Orb Sign "Impure Body Detection Mines V2"
051 - Easy - Orb Sign "Shotgun Coronation of the Gods"
052 - Normal - Orb Sign "Shotgun Coronation of the Gods"
053 - Hard - Orb Sign "Shining Coronation of the Gods"
054 - Lunatic - Orb Sign "Shining Coronation of the Gods"
055 - Easy - "One-Winged White Heron"
056 - Normal - "One-Winged White Heron"
057 - Hard - "One-Winged White Heron"
058 - Lunatic - "One-Winged White Heron"
059 - Easy - Prison Sign "Hell Eclipse"
060 - Normal - Prison Sign "Hell Eclipse"
061 - Hard - Prison Sign "Eclipse of Hell"
062 - Lunatic - Prison Sign "Eclipse of Hell"
063 - Easy - Prison Sign "Flash and Stripe"
064 - Normal - Prison Sign "Flash and Stripe"
065 - Hard - Prison Sign "Star and Stripe"
066 - Lunatic - Prison Sign "Star and Stripe"
067 - Easy - Hellfire "Graze Inferno"
068 - Normal - Hellfire "Graze Inferno"
069 - Hard - Hellfire "Graze Inferno"
070 - Lunatic - Hellfire "Hellish Secrets of Grazing"
071 - Easy - Hell "Striped Abyss"
072 - Normal - Hell "Striped Abyss"
073 - Hard - Hell "Striped Abyss"
074 - Lunatic - Hell "Striped Abyss"
075 - Easy - "Fake Apollo"
076 - Normal - "Fake Apollo"
077 - Hard - "Apollo Hoax Theory"
078 - Lunatic - "Apollo Hoax Theory"
079 - Easy - "Pure Light of the Palm"
080 - Normal - "Pure Light of the Palm"
081 - Hard - "Pure Light of the Palm"
082 - Lunatic - "Pure Light of the Palm"
083 - Easy - "Lilies of Murderous Intent"
084 - Normal - "Lilies of Murderous Intent"
085 - Hard - "Lilies of Murderous Intent"
086 - Lunatic - "Lilies of Murderous Intent"
087 - Easy - "Primordial Divine Spirit World"
088 - Normal - "Primordial Divine Spirit World"
089 - Hard - "Modern Divine Spirit World"
090 - Lunatic - "Modern Divine Spirit World"
091 - Easy - "Trembling, Shivering Star"
092 - Normal - "Trembling, Shivering Star"
093 - Hard - "Trembling, Shivering Star"
094 - Lunatic - "Trembling, Shivering Star"
095 - Easy - "Pristine Lunacy"
096 - Normal - "Pristine Lunacy"
097 - Hard - "Pristine Lunacy"
098 - Lunatic - "Pristine Lunacy"
099 - Easy - "Overflowing Impurity"
100 - Normal - "Overflowing Impurity"
101 - Hard - "Overflowing Impurity"
102 - Lunatic - "Cleansing of Earthen Impurity"
103 - Easy - Pure Sign "Purely Bullet Hell"
104 - Normal - Pure Sign "Purely Bullet Hell"
105 - Hard - Pure Sign "A Pristine Danmaku Hell"
106 - Lunatic - Pure Sign "A Pristine Danmaku Hell"
107 - Extra - Butterfly "Butterfly Supplantation"
108 - Extra - Super-Express "Dream Express"
109 - Extra - Crawling Dream "Creeping Bullet"
110 - Extra - Otherworld "[[wikipedia: Ōmagatoki|Ōmagatoki]]"
111 - Extra - Earth "Impurity Within One's Body"
112 - Extra - Moon "Apollo Reflection Mirror"
113 - Extra - "Simple Danmaku for Cornering a Trapped Rat"
114 - Extra - Otherworld "Hell's Non-Ideal Danmaku"
115 - Extra - Earth "Rain Falling in Hell"
116 - Extra - Moon "Lunatic Impact"
117 - Extra - "Pristine Danmaku for Killing a Person"
118 - Extra - "Trinitarian Rhapsody"
119 - Extra - "First and Last Nameless Danmaku"
  • Ostatnia zmiana: Wrzesień 03, 2016, 13:51:55 przez Kreton

Odp: Fill the site!
Odpowiedź #11
Shoot The Bullet: 12/85

Shoot the Bullet
001 -
002 -
003 - Firefly Sign "Fixed Star on Earth"
004 - Darkness Sign "Dark Side of the Moon"
005 - Butterfly Sign "Butterfly Storm"
006 - Night Sign "Midnight Bird"
007 -
008 -
009 - Snow Sign "Diamond Blizzard"
010 - Cold Sign "Cold Snap"
011 - Freeze Sign "Minus K"
012 - Winter Sign "Northern Winner"

013 -
014 - Light Sign "Amaterasu"
015 - Puppeteer Sign "Dolls in Sea"
016 - Shroud Sign "Rain in Showa"
017 - Curse Sign "Straw Doll Kamikaze"
018 - Hollyhock Sign "Mito no Mitsukuni"
019 - Red Sign "Doll Mira Ceti"
020 - Japan Sign "Yamato Kingdom"
021 -
022 - Fog Sign "Gassing Garden"
023 - Runaway Rabbit "Fluster Escape"
024 - Spread Sign "Rocket in Mist"
025 - Poison Sign "Poison Breath"
026 - Wave Sign "Invisible Half-Moon"
027 - Confusion "Into Delirium"
028 - Owing Sign "Vulnerary of Oonamuchi-sama"
029 - Mad Dream "Dream World"
030 -
031 - Sun & Water Sign "Hydrogenous Prominence"
032 - Flowery Sign "Colorful Light Lotus Flower Palm"
033 - Water & Fire Sign "Phlogistic Rain"
034 - Colorful Flip "Fluttering Petals and Falling Leaves"
035 - Moon & Wood Sign "Satellite Himawari"
036 - Colorful Flower "Rainbow Taijiquan"
037 - Sun & Moon Sign "Royal Diamond Ring"
038 -
039 - Human Knowledge Sword "Angel Dance"
040 - Star Sign "Jumping Crossing Scale"
041 - Obsession Sword "Blood of Asura"
042 - Oni God "Rumbling Jikoku-ten"
043 - Celestial Star Sword "As the Silent Nirvana"
044 - Cat Monster "Chen"
045 - Four Births Sword "Resounding of the Restless Beings"
046 -
047 - Devil Sign "All the World in Nightmare"
048 - Time Sign "Tunnel Effect"
049 - Scarlet Sign "Bloody Magic Square"
050 - Void "Inflation Square"
051 - Scarlet Bat "Vampirish Night"
052 - Silver Sign "Perfect Maid"
053 - God Devil "Remilia Stoker"
054 -
055 - Ghostly Elegance "Fatal Light Trap"
056 - Secret Sign "Hierarch's Arcanum"
057 - Butterfly Sign "Swallowtail Butterfly Pattern's Death Spear"
058 - Austerity Sign "Eighty Million Holy Boards"
059 - Death Sign "Life of Drunk, Vision of Death"
060 - Superman "Soaring En no Ozuno"
061 - "Death Butterfly, Floating Moon"
062 -
063 - New Impossible Request "Lunar Ilmenite"
064 - Medicine Sign "Butterfly Dream Pill - Nightmare Type"
065 - New Impossible Request "Red Stone of Aja"
066 - Elixir "Mercury Sea"
067 - New Impossible Request "Seamless Ceiling of Kinkaku-ji"
068 - Secret Elixir "Lunar Incense"
069 - New Impossible Request "Mysterium"
070 -
071 - Lie "Tongue of Wolf"
072 - Death Song "Ferriage in the Deep Fog"
073 - Judgement "Trial of the Ten Kings"
074 - Old Rain "Rain in the Afterworld Journey"
075 - Judgement "Guilty or Not Guilty"
076 - Death Price "Price of Life"
077 - Judgement "Cleansed Crystal Judgement -Aya Shameimaru-"
078 - Taboo "Forbidden Fruit"
079 - Taboo "Forbidden Games"
080 - Boundary Sign "Boundary between Form and Emptiness"
081 - Boundary Sign "Boundary between Wave and Particle"
082 - Exalted Personage "Forewarning of St. Germain"
083 - Hourai "Mizue no Uranoshimako and Five-Coloured Turtles"
084 - Qi of Oni "Deep Fog Labyrinth"
085 - "Night Parade of One Million Demons"
  • Ostatnia zmiana: Wrzesień 03, 2016, 13:40:07 przez Kreton

Odp: Fill the site!
Odpowiedź #12
Double Spoiler: 0/108

Double Spoiler
001 -
002 -
003 - Autumn Sign "Falling Blast"
004 - Fruit Sign "Warm Colour Harvest"
005 - Wilted Path "Lost Windrow"
006 - Baked Sweet Potato "Sweet Potato Room"
007 -
008 -
009 - Jealousy "Jealousy Bomber"
010 - Cursed Field "Purification River Deposit"
011 - Resentment "Grudge Returning"
012 - Calamity "Cursed Dolls"
013 -
014 - Umbrella Sign "One-legged Return Hit"
015 - Well Bucket "Flying in a Well"
016 - Small Thread "Kandata's Rope"
017 - Rainbow Sign "Over The Rainbow"
018 - Well Bucket "Well Destructor"
019 - Poison Sign "Japanese Foliage Spider"
020 - Umbrella Sign "Flurry Traveler"
021 -
022 -
023 - Water Sign "Water Carpet"
024 - Dog Sign "Rabies Bite"
025 - River Sign "Dividing Edge"
026 - Mountain Nomad "Expellee's Canaan"
027 - Kappa "Dried Shirikodama"
028 -
029 -
030 - Fist "Falling Sky Hammer"
031 - Anchor Sign "Ghost Ship's Long Moorings"
032 - Lightning "Electrified Nyuudou"
033 - Flood "Venus of the Bilge"
034 - Iron Fist "Nyuudou Nyoki"
035 - "Deep Sinker"
036 -
037 -
038 - Light Oni "Adamant Helix"
039 - Oni Sign "Large Speck in the Needle Hell"
040 - Oni Sign "Dreadful Raging Waves"
041 - Hell "Sigh of Purgatory"
042 - Oni's Voice "Annihilating Roar"
043 - Oni Sign "Missing Power"
044 -
045 -
046 - Tiger Sign "Hungry Tiger"
047 - Rod Sign "Nazrin Rod"
048 - Heaven Sign "Scorched Earth Mandala"
049 - Treasure "Gold Rush"
050 - Treasure Sign "Dazzling Gold"
051 -
052 - Fusion "Melting White"
053 - Death Sign "Ghost Town"
054 - Giant Star "Red Giant"
055 - "Corpse Shopping District"
056 - Star Sign "Fall of Great Stars"
057 - Drunkard's Walk "Cat Random Walk"
058 - Seven Stars "Septentrion"
059 -
060 - Heart Sign "Selfless Love"
061 - Memory Sign "Brain Fingerprint"
062 - Memory "DNA's Flaw"
063 - Heart Flower "Camera-Shy Rose"
064 - "Embryo's Dream"
065 - Recollection "Vague Recollection of Kinkaku-ji"
066 - "Rose Hell"
067 - Temperament "High-Spirited Sword"
068 - Thunder Sign "Lightning Fish"
069 - Earthquake "Evacuation Along the Steep Path"
070 - Jewel Sign "Pearl of the Five-Clawed Dragon"
071 - Keystone "Kaname Funnel"
072 - Dragon Palace "Dance of Sea Breams and Flounders"
073 - "Scarlet Weather Rhapsody of All Humankind"
074 - Dragon Fish "Dragon Palace Messenger's Swimming Shot"
075 -
076 - Divine Sakura "Full Sakura Blizzard"
077 - Snake Sign "Ground Serpent"
078 - Hime River "Princess Jade Green"
079 - Divine Pillar "Meteoric Onbashira"
080 - Iron Ring "Mythical Ring"
081 - Fleeting Path "Omiwatari"
082 - Native God "Mishaguji-sama"
083 -
084 - Unidentified "Purple Mirror"
085 - "Yugyou Hijiri"
086 - Unidentified "Red Cloak, Blue Cloak"
087 - Syncretism "Manifestation of Mahavairocana"
088 - Unidentified "Hanako-san in the Toilet"
089 - "Star Sword Apologetics"
090 - "Danmaku X from a Wandering Star"
091 - Talisman "Exorcism of the Newspaper Subscription Solicitors"
092 - Star Sign "Oort Cloud"
093 - Miracle Sign "Divine Wind of the Kouan Era"
094 - Barrier "Paparazzi-Repelling Barrier"
095 - Astronomical Instrument "Orreries' Solar System"
096 - Frog Sign "Wily Toad"
097 - Dream Sign "Fantasy Dimensional Rift"
098 - Comet "Blazing Star"
099 - Youkai Extermination "Bewitching Power Spoiler"
== Aya Only ==
100 -
101 - Reporting "Hatate Himekaidou's Reporting Training"
102 - Continuous Shooting "Rapid Shot"
103 - Far-sightedness "Tengu Psychography"
== Hatate Only ==
104 -
105 - Reporting "Aya Shameimaru's Coercive Reporting"
106 - Telescoping "Candid Shot"
107 - Snapshot "Fast Shot"
108 - "Illusionary Dominance"

Odp: Fill the site!
Odpowiedź #13
Great Fairy Wars: 0/250

Great Fairy Wars
001 - Easy - Moon Sign "Lunatic Rain"
002 - Normal - Moon Sign "Lunatic Rain"
003 - Hard - Moon Sign "Lunatic Rain"
004 - Lunatic - Moon Sign "Lunatic Rain"
005 - Easy - Moon Sign "Luna Cyclone"
006 - Normal - Moon Sign "Luna Cyclone"
007 - Hard - Moon Sign "Luna Cyclone"
008 - Lunatic - Moon Sign "Luna Cyclone"
009 - Easy - Shooting Star "Petit Comet"
010 - Normal - Shooting Star "Petit Comet"
011 - Hard - Shooting Star "Petit Comet"
012 - Lunatic - Shooting Star "Petit Comet"
013 - Easy - Stardust "Sprinkle Piece"
014 - Normal - Stardust "Sprinkle Piece"
015 - Hard - Stardust "Sprinkle Piece"
016 - Lunatic - Stardust "Sprinkle Piece"
017 - Easy - Star Sign "Twinkle Sapphire"
018 - Normal - Star Sign "Twinkle Sapphire"
019 - Hard - Star Sign "Twinkle Sapphire"
020 - Lunatic - Star Sign "Twinkle Sapphire"
021 - Easy - Sunlight "Sunshine Blast"
022 - Normal - Sunlight "Sunshine Blast"
023 - Hard - Sunlight "Sunshine Blast"
024 - Lunatic - Sunlight "Sunshine Blast"
025 - Easy - Light Sign "Rutile
026 - Normal - Light Sign "Rutile Flection"
027 - Hard - Light Sign "Rutile Flection"
028 - Lunatic - Light Sign "Rutile Flection"
029 - Easy - Sunfire "Ice Dissolver"
030 - Normal - Sunfire "Ice Dissolver"
031 - Hard - Sunfire "Ice Dissolver"
032 - Lunatic - Sunfire "Ice Dissolver"
033 - Easy - Sky Sign "Elfin Canopy"
034 - Normal - Sky Sign "Elfin Canopy"
035 - Hard - Sky Sign "Elfin Canopy"
036 - Lunatic - Sky Sign "Elfin Canopy"
037 - Easy - Team Tech "Fairy Overdrive"
038 - Normal - Team Tech "Fairy Overdrive"
039 - Hard - Team Tech "Fairy Overdrive"
040 - Lunatic - Team Tech "Fairy Overdrive"
041 - Easy - "Three Fairies"
042 - Normal - "Three Fairies"
043 - Hard - "Three Fairies"
044 - Lunatic - "Three Fairies"
045 - Easy - Rainbow Light "Prism Flash"
046 - Normal - Rainbow Light "Prism Flash"
047 - Hard - Rainbow Light "Prism Flash"
048 - Lunatic - Rainbow Light "Prism Flash"
049 - Easy - Light Fairy "Diamond Ring"
050 - Normal - Light Fairy "Diamond Ring"
051 - Hard - Light Fairy "Diamond Ring"
052 - Lunatic - Light Fairy "Diamond Ring"
053 - Easy - Light Sign "Blue Deflection"
054 - Normal - Light Sign "Blue Deflection"
055 - Hard - Light Sign "Blue Deflection"
056 - Lunatic - Light Sign "Blue Deflection"
057 - Easy - Starlight "Star Laser"
058 - Normal - Starlight "Star Laser"
059 - Hard - Starlight "Star Laser"
060 - Lunatic - Starlight "Star Laser"
061 - Easy - Light Sign "Triple Meteor"
062 - Normal - Light Sign "Triple Meteor"
063 - Hard - Light Sign "Triple Meteor"
064 - Lunatic - Light Sign "Triple Meteor"
065 - Easy - Starfire "Ice Dissolver"
066 - Normal - Starfire "Ice Dissolver"
067 - Hard - Starfire "Ice Dissolver"
068 - Lunatic - Starfire "Ice Dissolver"
069 - Easy - Bright Star "Orion Belt
070 - Normal - Bright Star "Orion Belt"
071 - Hard - Bright Star "Orion Belt"
072 - Lunatic - Bright Star "Orion Belt"
073 - Easy - Team Tech "Fairy Overdrive"
074 - Normal - Team Tech "Fairy Overdrive"
075 - Hard - Team Tech "Fairy Overdrive"
076 - Lunatic - Team Tech "Fairy Overdrive"
077 - Easy - "Three Fairies"
078 - Normal - "Three Fairies"
079 - Hard - "Three Fairies"
080 - Lunatic - "Three Fairies"
081 - Easy - Sun Sign "Aggressive Light"
082 - Normal - Sun Sign "Aggressive Light"
083 - Hard - Sun Sign "Aggressive Light"
084 - Lunatic - Sun Sign "Aggressive Light"
085 - Easy - Sun Sign "Direct Sunlight"
086 - Normal - Sun Sign "Direct Sunlight"
087 - Hard - Sun Sign "Direct Sunlight"
088 - Lunatic - Sun Sign "Direct Sunlight"
089 - Easy - Shooting Star "Comet Stream"
090 - Normal - Shooting Star "Comet Stream"
091 - Hard - Shooting Star "Comet Stream"
092 - Lunatic - Shooting Star "Comet Stream"
093 - Easy - Stardust "Star Piece Shower"
094 - Normal - Stardust "Star Piece Shower"
095 - Hard - Stardust "Star Piece Shower"
096 - Lunatic - Stardust "Star Piece Shower"
097 - Easy - Star Sign "Shooting Sapphire"
098 - Normal - Star Sign "Shooting Sapphire"
099 - Hard - Star Sign "Shooting Sapphire"
100 - Lunatic - Star Sign "Shooting Sapphire"
101 - Easy - Moonlight "Silent Storm"
102 - Normal - Moonlight "Silent Storm"
103 - Hard - Moonlight "Silent Storm"
104 - Lunatic - Moonlight "Silent Storm"
105 - Easy - Light Sign "Bright Night"
106 - Normal - Light Sign "Bright Night"
107 - Hard - Light Sign "Bright Night"
108 - Lunatic - Light Sign "Bright Night"
109 - Easy - Moonfire "Ice Dissolver"
110 - Normal - Moonfire "Ice Dissolver"
111 - Hard - Moonfire "Ice Dissolver"
112 - Lunatic - Moonfire "Ice Dissolver"
113 - Easy - Sky Sign "Break Canopy"
114 - Normal - Sky Sign "Break Canopy"
115 - Hard - Sky Sign "Break Canopy"
116 - Lunatic - Sky Sign "Break Canopy"
117 - Easy - Team Tech "Fairy Overdrive"
118 - Normal - Team Tech "Fairy Overdrive"
119 - Hard - Team Tech "Fairy Overdrive"
120 - Lunatic - Team Tech "Fairy Overdrive"
121 - Easy - "Three Fairies"
122 - Normal - "Three Fairies"
123 - Hard - "Three Fairies"
124 - Lunatic - "Three Fairies"
125 - Easy - Moonlight "Dark Stillness"
126 - Normal - Moonlight "Dark Stillness"
127 - Hard - Moonlight "Dark Stillness"
128 - Lunatic - Moonlight "Dark Stillness"
129 - Easy - Hindering Light "Moonlight Wall"
130 - Normal - Hindering Light "Moonlight Wall"
131 - Hard - Hindering Light "Moonlight Wall"
132 - Lunatic - Hindering Light "Moonlight Wall"
133 - Easy - Night Sign "Night Fairies"
134 - Normal - Night Sign "Night Fairies"
135 - Hard - Night Sign "Night Fairies"
136 - Lunatic - Night Sign "Night Fairies"
137 - Easy - Starlight "Star Storm"
138 - Normal - Starlight "Star Storm"
139 - Hard - Starlight "Star Storm"
140 - Lunatic - Starlight "Star Storm"
141 - Easy - Light Sign "Extensive Meteor"
142 - Normal - Light Sign "Extensive Meteor"
143 - Hard - Light Sign "Extensive Meteor"
144 - Lunatic - Light Sign "Extensive Meteor"
145 - Easy - Starfire "Ice Dissolver"
146 - Normal - Starfire "Ice Dissolver"
147 - Hard - Starfire "Ice Dissolver"
148 - Lunatic - Starfire "Ice Dissolver"
149 - Easy - Bright Star "Great Triangle"
150 - Normal - Bright Star "Great Triangle"
151 - Hard - Bright Star "Great Triangle"
152 - Lunatic - Bright Star "Great Triangle"
153 - Easy - Team Tech "Fairy Overdrive"
154 - Normal - Team Tech "Fairy Overdrive"
155 - Hard - Team Tech "Fairy Overdrive"
156 - Lunatic - Team Tech "Fairy Overdrive"
157 - Easy - "Three Fairies"
158 - Normal - "Three Fairies"
159 - Hard - "Three Fairies"
160 - Lunatic - "Three Fairies"
161 - Easy - Star Sign "Starlight Rain"
162 - Normal - Star Sign "Starlight Rain"
163 - Hard - Star Sign "Starlight Rain"
164 - Lunatic - Star Sign "Starlight Rain"
165 - Easy - Star Sign "Red Star"
166 - Normal - Star Sign "Red Star"
167 - Hard - Star Sign "Red Star"
168 - Lunatic - Star Sign "Red Star"
169 - Easy - Flickering Light "Fatal Flash"
170 - Normal - Flickering Light "Fatal Flash"
171 - Hard - Flickering Light "Fatal Flash"
172 - Lunatic - Flickering Light "Fatal Flash"
173 - Easy - Light Fairy "Cross Diffusion"
174 - Normal - Light Fairy "Cross Diffusion"
175 - Hard - Light Fairy "Cross Diffusion"
176 - Lunatic - Light Fairy "Cross Diffusion"
177 - Easy - Light Sign "Yellow Deflection"
178 - Normal - Light Sign "Yellow Deflection"
179 - Hard - Light Sign "Yellow Deflection"
180 - Lunatic - Light Sign "Yellow Deflection"
181 - Easy - Moonlight "Silent Flower"
182 - Normal - Moonlight "Silent Flower"
183 - Hard - Moonlight "Silent Flower"
184 - Lunatic - Moonlight "Silent Flower"
185 - Easy - Light Sign "Full Moon Night"
186 - Normal - Light Sign "Full Moon Night"
187 - Hard - Light Sign "Full Moon Night"
188 - Lunatic - Light Sign "Full Moon Night"
189 - Easy - Moonfire "Ice Dissolver"
190 - Normal - Moonfire "Ice Dissolver"
191 - Hard - Moonfire "Ice Dissolver"
192 - Lunatic - Moonfire "Ice Dissolver"
193 - Easy - Falling Light "Triple Light"
194 - Normal - Falling Light "Triple Light"
195 - Hard - Falling Light "Triple Light"
196 - Lunatic - Falling Light "Triple Light"
197 - Easy - Team Tech "Fairy Overdrive"
198 - Normal - Team Tech "Fairy Overdrive"
199 - Hard - Team Tech "Fairy Overdrive"
200 - Lunatic - Team Tech "Fairy Overdrive"
201 - Easy - "Three Fairies"
202 - Normal - "Three Fairies"
203 - Hard - "Three Fairies"
204 - Lunatic - "Three Fairies"
205 - Easy - Moonlight "Moon Stillness"
206 - Normal - Moonlight "Moon Stillness"
207 - Hard - Moonlight "Moon Stillness"
208 - Lunatic - Moonlight "Moon Stillness"
209 - Easy - Light Barrier "Wall Break"
210 - Normal - Light Barrier "Wall Break"
211 - Hard - Light Barrier "Wall Break"
212 - Lunatic - Light Barrier "Wall Break"
213 - Easy - Moonlight "Silent Cyclone"
214 - Normal - Moonlight "Silent Cyclone"
215 - Hard - Moonlight "Silent Cyclone"
216 - Lunatic - Moonlight "Silent Cyclone"
217 - Easy - Sunlight "Sunshine Needle"
218 - Normal - Sunlight "Sunshine Needle"
219 - Hard - Sunlight "Sunshine Needle"
220 - Lunatic - Sunlight "Sunshine Needle"
221 - Easy - Light Sign "Hyper Inflection"
222 - Normal - Light Sign "Hyper Inflection"
223 - Hard - Light Sign "Hyper Inflection"
224 - Lunatic - Light Sign "Hyper Inflection"
225 - Easy - Sunfire "Ice Dissolver"
226 - Normal - Sunfire "Ice Dissolver"
227 - Hard - Sunfire "Ice Dissolver"
228 - Lunatic - Sunfire "Ice Dissolver"
229 - Easy - Violent Light "Sunburst"
230 - Normal - Violent Light "Sunburst"
231 - Hard - Violent Light "Sunburst"
232 - Lunatic - Violent Light "Sunburst"
233 - Easy - Team Tech "Fairy Overdrive"
234 - Normal - Team Tech "Fairy Overdrive"
235 - Hard - Team Tech "Fairy Overdrive"
236 - Lunatic - Team Tech "Fairy Overdrive"
237 - Easy - "Three Fairies"
238 - Normal - "Three Fairies"
239 - Hard - "Three Fairies"
240 - Lunatic - "Three Fairies"
241 - Extra - Light Sign "Mysterious Beam"
242 - Extra - Light Blast "Shoot the Little Moon"
243 - Extra - Magic Bullet "Test Slave"
244 - Extra - Closure Sign "Big Crunch
245 - Extra - Love Sign "Master Spark-like Flashlight"
246 - Extra - Unsealed Magic "Open Universe
247 - Extra - Magic Cross "Grand Cross
248 - Extra - Shooting Star "Super Perseid
249 - Extra - "Blazing Star-like Tag"
250 - Extra - "Fairy Destruction Ray"

Odp: Fill the site!
Odpowiedź #14
Impossible Spell Card: 0/75

Impossible Spell Card
001 - 1 -
001 - 2 - Water Sign "Lunatic Red Slap"
001 - 3 - Ice Sign "Perfect Glacialist"
001 - 4 - Tide Sign "Tidal Wave of the Lake"
001 - 5 - Ice King "Frost King"
001 - 6 - Fish Sign "School of Fish"
002 - 1 - Scream "Primal Scream"
002 - 2 - Flying Neck "Extreme Long Neck"
002 - 3 - Piercing Sound "Piercing Circle"
002 - 4 - Glinting Eyes "Hell's Ray"
002 - 5 - Sutra "Infinite [[wikipedia:Nianfo|Nenbutsu]]"
002 - 6 - Flying Neck "Twin Rokuro Head"
003 - 1 -
003 - 2 - Full Moon "Full Moon Roar"
003 - 3 - "20XX: An Afterlife Odyssey"
003 - 4 - Regretful Life "Immortality's Reckless Sacrifice"
003 - 5 - Wolf Fang "Bloodthirsty Wolf Fang"
003 - 6 - Great Fire "Flower of Edo"
003 - 7 - "Fire Bird -Legend of Immortality-"
004 - 1 -
004 - 2 - Demonify "Excessive Zouhuo Rumo"
004 - 3 - Butterfly Sign "Flower, Butterfly, Wind and Moon"
004 - 4 - Poison Nail "Zombie Claw"
004 - 5 - Hermit Arts "Wall Runner"
004 - 6 - Cherry Blossom "Lovely Cherry Blossom Blizzard"
004 - 7 - Hermit Arts "Wall-Phasing Wormhole" <!--
005 - 1 -
005 - 2 - Koto Sign "Ame no Norigoto"
005 - 3 - Noise Sign "Euphoric Biwa"
005 - 4 - Thunder Sign "Den-Den Daiko of Rage"
005 - 5 - Elegy "Human and Koto Die Together"
005 - 6 - Score "Score Web"
005 - 7 - Taiko "Fantastic Woofer"
005 - 8 - Double Chant "Song of Falling Stars"
006 - 1 -
006 - 2 - Photography "Quick-Shooting Tengu Scoop"
006 - 3 - Photography "Full Panoramic Shot"
006 - 4 - Waterfall Sign "[[wikipedia:Shiraito Falls|Shiraito Falls]]"
006 - 5 - Fang Sign "Chewing Satisfaction"
006 - 6 - Waterfall Sign "[[wikipedia:Kegon_Falls#Suicides|Kegon]] Gun"
006 - 7 - Photography "Secluded Paparazzi"
006 - 8 - "Instant Shot Journalist"
007 - 1 - Love Sign "Wide Master"
007 - 2 - Time Sign "Time Stopper Sakuya"
007 - 3 - Light Sign "Light Flash of the Netherworld"
007 - 4 - Snake Sign "Bind Snake Come On"
007 - 5 - Love Sign "Machine Gun Spark"
007 - 6 - Time Sign "Changeling Magic"
007 - 7 - [[Higan]] Sword "Hacking Slashes of Hell and Paradise"
007 - 8 - Snake Sign "Green Snake Come On"
008 - 1 -
008 - 2 - Kamikuji "Rule Violation Barrier"
008 - 3 - "If the Cuckoo Does Not Sing, Wait For It to Cry"
008 - 4 - "Inchlings' Hell"
008 - 5 - "Persuasion Needle"
008 - 6 - "Humans Are Nice!"
008 - 7 - Shining Needle "Oni-Slaying, Eye-Stabbing Needle"
009 - 1 - Onbashira "Rising Onbashira"
009 - 2 - Green Stone "Jade Break"
009 - 3 - Old Boat "Ancient Ship"
009 - 4 - Oni Crowd "Imp Swarm"
009 - 5 - "Sacred Authority of the Gods"
009 - 6 - Frog Sign "Bloody Mound of Red Frogs"
009 - 7 - Heat Dragon "Blazing Dragon Veins"
009 - 8 - Oni Crowd "Hundred Oni Kaburo"
010 - 1 - "Binding Laws of Hari"
010 - 2 - "My Way is Truly That of Heaven!"
010 - 3 - "Sky of Scarlet Perception of All Youkaikind"
010 - 4 - "Fitful Nightmare"
010 - 5 - "Impossible Danmaku Barrier"
010 - 6 - "Eyes of Brahma"
010 - 7 - "Seventeen-Article Constitution Bombs"
010 - 8 - "Kashima Protection"
010 - 9 - "Duck, Duck, Bat!"
010 - 10 - "Casebook of Luck, Resilience and Perseverance"